Chapter one: Training

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"Wow, Geroge did not do Geonosis lightly." John remarks as he sees the red sandy planet.

Nelo nods in agreement as he gazes out at the rugged landscape of Geonosis stretching out before them.

"Yeah, this place definitely has a reputation." Nelo replies, his tone tinged with a mixture of awe and apprehension. "It's hard to believe that this is where it all began—the spark that ignited the Clone Wars."

As the ship begins its descent towards the surface of Geonosis, John feels a sense of anticipation building within him. This is the planet where so much history was made, where the fate of the galaxy was decided in battles fought between the Republic and the Separatists.

With a determined expression, John turns to Nelo, his eyes shining with resolve.

"Whatever awaits us down there, we'll face it together." John says, his voice steady and confident.

Nelo nods in agreement, a sense of solidarity passing between them.

"Together." Nelo echoes, his tone filled with determination.

With their resolve steeled, John and Nelo prepare themselves for the challenges that await them on the surface of Geonosis. As the ship touches down and the doors open, they step out onto the red sandy soil, ready to begin their mission to protect the galaxy from darkness and ensure that freedom and democracy prevail.

"Welcome recruits to your new home." The deep voice that came from a very familiar Harch spoke out with his signature clicking. "I am Admiral Trench. And I welcome to Geonosis." He greeted.

John and Nelo exchange a glance as they hear Admiral Trench's distinctive voice, their attention immediately drawn to the imposing figure of the Harch standing before them. Despite the sense of intimidation that his presence evokes, they steel themselves, ready to face whatever challenges come their way under his command.

"Thank you, Admiral Trench." John says, his voice respectful as he meets the Harch's gaze. "We're honored to be here and ready to serve."

Nelo nods in agreement, his expression composed as he acknowledges the admiral's welcome.

"We're eager to begin our training and contribute to the Confederacy's cause." Nelo adds, his tone firm and determined.

Admiral Trench's clicking sounds fill the air as he nods in acknowledgment of their words, his eyes glinting with approval.

"Very well, recruits." Admiral Trench says, his voice echoing with authority. "Report to your designated training areas and prepare yourselves for the challenges that lie ahead. The Confederacy Military expects nothing less than excellence from its soldiers."

With a final nod from the admiral, John and Nelo turn and make their way towards their designated training areas, ready to begin their journey into the ranks of the Confederacy Military under the command of Admiral Trench. As they walk, they exchange a glance, a silent reminder of the bond they share.

"Hey Kid!" One of the B1 battle droids yelled out to John, who look at the droid with the yellow colors, signifying that he was a commander. "Remember me?"

"Uh, wait, aren't you the one who help me to find the recruitment center?" John asked the droid.

The B1 battle droid with the yellow markings nods enthusiastically, its photoreceptors glowing with recognition.

"That's right!" the droid replies, its metallic voice tinged with excitement. "I'm B1-K3, your friendly neighborhood droid commander."

John chuckles at the droid's energetic demeanor, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the mechanical soldier.

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