1. dumbass

907 12 1

marcus baker x female!reader
warnings!: injury?, mentions of blood, curse words
word count: 1.4k

"Marcus I have a really important presentation for my AP English class tomorrow, so I need to be on time, okay? Promise me, you'll wake up on time so I won't have to wait for you

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"Marcus I have a really important presentation for my AP English class tomorrow, so I need to be on time, okay? Promise me, you'll wake up on time so I won't have to wait for you."

"Promise." He says holding his pinky out, I return the gesture, wrapping my own pinky around his.

"Okay, and if you're not in my car by 7:45, I am leaving your ass."

"Fine," He purses his lips at me, wrapping his arm tighter around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to him. His chapped lips meet mine in a soft kiss.

I pull away, "No more kissing until you finish your work." I tell him.

"Come on bub, how can I focus on anything other than you, when you look like that." He groans, pressing kisses all over my face, causing me to laugh.

"Okay, that's enough. I mean it." I say, holding my arms out.

"Alright," A sigh escapes his lips, pressing a kiss to my forehead before he begins sitting up.

"Oh wait!" I exclaim, I bring a hand to his cheek turning his face toward mine, and leaning towards him. My arm reaches around him grabbing my chapstick. I pull away, "Here," I say holding out the chapstick for him.

The excitement in his eyes completely vanishes, eyes met with chapstick, causing a laugh to burst from my lips.

"The audacity." He states.

"Uh, excuse me, what do you mean?" I respond sassily.

He shakes his head, slathering a thick coat of the chapstick on his lips. He rubs his lips together, extending the chapstick towards me.

"Uh, no my lips are moist and lucsious, you're confused." I say jokingly, my index finger pointing toward him.

"No sweetheart, those lips are dryer than the sahara desert." A large grin playing on his face.

I let out a false gasp.

"You can't even deny it!" He laughs, "Here, let me help you out," He reaches toward me with the godforsaken chapstick.

I get off my bed, stepping away from him. "Come on, I'm not doing my homework 'til we moisturize those crusty lips."

"You jerk!" I laugh.

Marcus lunges toward me, attempting to grab my waist, however I slip past his arms, running toward the other end of my crowded room. He begins chasing after me, causing me to trip, landing with a thud on the - luckily, carpeted flooring.

"Ugh, fine" I say before puckering my lips, accepting defeat as Marcus straddled my waist.

Marcus takes out the chapstick applying a hefty amount on my lips. "Alright, their not that dry,"

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