2. here for you

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marcus baker x female!reader

word count: 4.5k

warnings!: mentions of depression, anxiety, a panic attack, i think that's all...


。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Y/n knew Marcus could struggle with his depression and anxiety at times, so she tried her best to be there for him, whenever he needed her, she was right there.

She was always trying to remind him all the time of the love she had for him. To support him in his darkest times.

From the simple things, like cuddling him until he finally felt something, to cooking him something and making sure he ate every last bite no matter how long it took him. She was there when the world just felt like too much for him.

Marcus stared off into space, seemingly out of it. Y/n had been talking to the boy, he could see her lips forming the words, but couldn't hear what they produced. All of a sudden it's like every person walking past the pair had their eyes glued to him, staring at him. The murmuring of students talking amongst themselves somehow seemed to get louder. The squeaking of their beat-up sneakers meeting the shiny linoleum floor sounded at max volume. It's as if all at once he was hearing everything and nothing at all. His heart seemed to ache, and clench, his throat feeling as if it was closing up, losing his ability to breathe in oxygen. His eyes clamped shut, hands flying to his ears trying to stop the loud chaotic noises which flowed through them. He took in deep gasps of air trying to regulate his breathing. "One, two, three, four, five." He murmured, his face stuffed into his legs which he'd pulled toward his chest.

"What'd you say?" Y/n turned to the boy, she had been ranting about family problems, as she looked into the distance.

Her eyes were met with the boy huddled, panic radiating off of him in waves. How could she have not noticed he had been having a panic attack? "Oh god, Marcus, hey, hey, hey, it's okay, look at me bub, okay?" She told him, her hands lifting his head to face her. Tears welled up in the boy's eyes, as he silently wished he could just disappear, as he continued to take deep shaky breaths in, the more he tried to regulate his breathing the more erratic his heartbeat got.

Y/n brought her hands to Marcus' face, gently caressing his jaw in soothing circular motions. "Focus on me honey, everything's gonna be okay." She said calmly, nodding her head to him.  She gently grasped his hand, placing his hand against her wrist, "Squeeze my wrist, feel my heartbeat.." Her other hand moved to clasp the back of his neck.

Marcus's breathing had somewhat slowed, however, it was still beating quite fast, "Bub, I want you to tell me five things you can see, okay?"

The boy nodded quickly, "The- the lockers..., my-my shoes, that b-blue recycling bin, an old book ...- on the floor, a p-poster." He took a deep breath, stuttering out his answers, continually trying to calm himself.

"Good, okay, you're doing great baby, now tell me four things you can feel," She said his hand now being held in one of hers.

"I c-can feel the cold AC, the hard brick wall b-behind me, y-your... h-hand in mine, the material of m-my hoo-... hoodie." He let out.

"I'm so proud of you, you're amazing bub," She responded placing a kiss on his hand, "Now give me 3 things you can hear, okay,"

He inhaled a deep breath, before exhaling, "A locker being s-shut, laughing, and... m-music."

"Good, you're doing even better baby, now 2 things you can smell, okay,"

"Y-your perfume, and oranges..." He says, letting out a deep sigh.

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