6. two ghosts

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marcus baker x female!reader (I don't think I used any she/her pronouns in this, but I'm not 100% positive, so I guess it may or may not be gender-neutral...)

warnings!: mentions of food, crying, cheating, a slap, drinking, angst?, unedited rushed writing, I think that's it?


word count: 5.5k!


A/N: Let's pretend that Padma and Marcus were never a thing in this :)

A/N: Let's pretend that Padma and Marcus were never a thing in this :)

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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

It happened suddenly, one moment you were both sitting there talking, and the next your lips were on his. Somehow everything else was drowned out, and all you could focus on was Marcus. The night was filled with fervor, as you poured your love into each kiss, that would soon be meaningless.

You savored every minute of it because you knew he was only yours for the night. The next day he would be off, kissing Ginny, loving her, or pretending to love her, either way, he was no longer yours. You knew it wasn't right, but you loved him, so much, that you would take whatever you could get.

You both lay there, Marcus fast asleep. You reach over pressing a kiss to his cheek, "If only you knew how much I still love you," You quietly murmured, caressing his cheek. You wrapped your arm around him before drifting off to sleep.

Light shined into your bedroom, waking you up. You turned to reach your arm out for Marcus, albeit your hand met the cold sheets. Your eyes flew open, Marcus was gone. You should've known, it was your routine, but each time it happened you thought maybe just maybe you had changed his mind. That he once again loved you, like how you still deeply loved him. And each time you were proven wrong.

Your eyes began to water. You were so stupid. This was it, the fourth and last time this would ever happen. You needed to stop this for Ginny's sake and your own. You couldn't keep doing this, because the more you did it, the more you hurt yourself. You wiped your tears, deciding to check your phone, to take your mind off your repeated mistakes.

You got a text from your best friend Padma. You decided you guys would meet at a cafe to hang out and chat, desperately needing it. You would've met her at Blue Farm where she worked but Ginny also happened to work there, and you couldn't face her, you felt so guilty, sleeping with Marcus. He and Ginny hadn't been dating for that long but still, it wasn't right, you knew that, and you continued to get with him, and you had no one to blame but yourself.

You walked inside, Padma wasn't there yet, so you decided you would order both of your favorite drinks, along with your favorite pastries. She walked in, her long black hair swaying as she made her way to the table. The waiter had just placed your pastries and drinks down as she sat across from you. She gave you a comforting smile, which you returned, but she knew you better than you knew yourself. She knew something was up.

"What's wrong, bub?" She questioned.

"Nothing," You shook your head, "We're always talking about my problems, what's been up with you, how's work?"

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