4. nobody gets me

516 2 1

marcus baker x female!reader

warnings!: hunter-bashing?, a slap?, curse words, I think that's it...

word count: 6.3k

prompt: "Y/n, I am madly, deeply, overwhelmingly, in love with you"



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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

You and Marcus had been friends since the second grade. You and your family had moved to Wellsbury in the middle of the school year, leaving you to have to deal with the difficulty of making friends.

When you first arrived in the town, your mom instantly became friends with your next-door neighbor, known as Ellen. Your mother had gone on about how her new friend had twins your own age. Your parents let you pick out your own room, you chose the one with a large bay window in it, which happened to be facing another window. Your small eight-year-old self sat on the seat of the bay window, taking in the large tree beside your home.

Suddenly a boy appeared in the window across from your own, he made his way over to the window, now facing you. His face was filled with curiosity and slight annoyance. It was as if he was called by someone, because before he turned to walk away he saluted you, then ran off.

Seconds later your parents called you downstairs as well.

"Honey, our neighbors invited us over for dinner earlier, let's head over and when we get back we can finish setting your room up." Your mother explained, gaining a nod in response from you.

It was then that you were first introduced to Marcus Baker.

The dinner was filled with you sitting quietly, Marcus making sarcastic remarks, sign language, and Maxine Baker talking everyone's heads off.

The following Monday would be your first day at your new school in Wellsbury. Your mom had prepared you a special lunch, filled with your favorite snacks, and paired with your favorite meal.

The day had gone smoothly until recess hit. You had barely grabbed the little race cars you had decided to play with before they were abruptly snatched out of your hand, "Hey! I was gonna play with that!!" You told the person who had rudely snatched the toy away from you. You turned to face them being met with none other than Marcus Baker.

"Give it back, Marcus!" You shrieked at the boy in anger.

"No, race cars are for boys."

"No, they're not! Give me it!" You whined, arms crossed.

"Make me!" The boy teased you as he stuck his tongue out at you, running off to the playground.

Of course, you were not about to let some boy treat you like that, so you ran after him. Marcus made you chase him around the playground as you shouted at him, and he laughed continuously until he tripped in the sand of the playground. You took this as your chance to take your toy back. You snatched the little race car from his hands, grabbed some sand, and threw it in his hair before your hand formed a little fist and hit him in the arm.

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