5. champagne problems

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marcus baker x miller!female!reader

flangst! ( if y'all can't tell I really like flangst, haha)

word count: 7.1k

warnings: mentions of pregnancy & abortion, cussing, toxic? relationship (on&off), mentions of food, anxiety, & panic attacks... i think that's all 😅

includes: bestfriend!padma, younger!sister!ginny (15 years old), you and Marcus are 18, OC? (not really) Noah (Marcus's best friend that he lost to cancer, they never gave him a name in the show, so from now on I'll probably just refer to him as Noah, it was the first name that came to mind)


ALSO: before reading, I just want to preface, that it is your body and your choice. 💞

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You never thought you'd be stood here, however there you were. It was as if the box full of pregnancy tests was laughing at you. You had been practically been disintegrating it with your eyes. You'd had enough, you were just gonna do it.

As you waited for the three tests for three minutes, it was the longest three minutes of your life. You were filled with anxiety and intrusive thoughts that almost sent you spiraling.

Your breath trembled with unevenness, your timer causing you to jolt out of your stupor. You held your breath. This was it. These pink sticks would cruelly decide your fate.

You quickly glanced at the tests. All three tests were undoubtedly positive, each reading the word 'positive' on the little digital screen.

That one word 'positive' sent you panicking, gasping for air, as the word ran rampant in your head. Positive. They're positive.

You couldn't even form the words in your brain, "I'm preg-". It was as if even acknowledging the word in your mind would make what was already your reality true. That was something you didn't want to accept.

Your legs gave out from under you, sending you crashing to the cold tile flooring. Goosebumps arose on your arms, unsure if they were caused by the frigid tile or the shock of the recent revelations.

Silent sobs fell from your lips. Tears tainted your cheeks, the pregnancy tests taunting you from the counter. You were so livid with yourself. How could you have let this happen? How could you have been so stupid!? How? Why?

Your mother had desperately tried to protect you from this; from the pain of becoming a teenage mother. You weren't sure how you were gonna tell her, you knew it'd break her. Would she scream at you? Throw you out? Would she simply cry? And what about your siblings, how would they react?

And Marcus? You knew from the moment you read that word on the pregnancy test that he was the father of your unborn child. Would he even want to be in your child's life? You knew what it was like to grow up with an absent father, and you would never want your child to have to go through that. To grow up wondering why all the other kids had dads and they didn't.

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