7. champagne problems 2

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marcus baker x female!miller!reader

warnings: mentions of vomit, nausea, mentions of food, panic attacks, i think that's all...

fluff with a sprinkle of angst?

word count: 4.5k

italics = sign language

A/N: this will probably be a series bc i wanna add more to this :) also, i feel like the first one was better but i tried :/ & i wil try to dedicate more time to writing recently i've been gaming a lot more + struggling to write an essay but anyways... try to enjoy?



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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

You thought the Baker's reaction to your pregnancy would be worse. However, when both you and Marcus signed the words while simultaneously voicing that you were pregnant, they both wore a look of shock on their face, Max sitting on the couch with a wide grin. She practically threw herself at you and Marcus, pulling you both into a tight embrace.

"Oh my god, I-I don't know what to say..." Ellen murmured, causing you to slightly frown, and Marcus to squeeze your hand in reassurance. Clint signed, "Well, at least I'll be a young Grandpa," He chuckled. Which caused a slight smile to grow on your face. "I wouldn't say that this is the most ideal time for a baby, seeing as you both are so young, but just know you have our support, in whatever you choose to do. Being a grandma doesn't sound too bad, the baby can call me Glamma!" Ellen began to ramble.

After you had told them your decision, they let you know that they'd be there for both of you, every step of the way. You felt the weight being lifted from your shoulders, pulling Marcus into a hug. You knew that you still had a long way to go, and you'd have to figure out how to raise a baby, where to raise your baby, and a lot more, albeit you had Marcus and he had you.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

You woke up due to nausea causing you to run to your bathroom, and fill the toilet with vomit. You felt a hand holding your hair in a makeshift ponytail, another on your back, rubbing soothingly. You knew immediately that it was your mother. Her presence seemingly relaxed you. "It's okay, baby, let it out," She murmured gently, her voice slightly rough due to the fact that she had just woken up.

Once you were done spilling your guts, you pulled away from the toilet, the horrid smell of vomit hitting your nose, causing you to once again reach for the toilet. After you were finished, you slammed the toilet lid shut, leaning your head against it, a sigh escaping your lips.

You sat there for a moment, before getting up, your mother helping you up, you quickly rinsed your mouth with mouthwash, following it up by brushing your teeth, as you tried to rid yourself of the taste of bile.

"Come on, why don't you go get some more rest, darlin'," Your mom ushered you to your room, tucking you into bed before placing a kiss on your head. You smiled at her before turning to face the window. You reached for your phone, debating on texting Marcus. However, when you saw that it was 4:30 am, you decided against it, not wanting to wake him up. You gazed out your window as you tried to go back to sleep. However, you couldn't, you tossed and turned, the moonlight shining in your room, seeing as it was still dark out. Suddenly your window was thrown open, and a figure fell onto the wooden flooring of your room. You immediately sat up, slightly frightened before you heard the slight murmur of a "Shit,".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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