3. lover of mine

537 3 1

marcus baker x female!reader

word count: 3.5k

warnings!: mentions of cheating, cussing, unedited writing...

warnings!: mentions of cheating, cussing, unedited writing

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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Y/n and Marcus had been in an exclusive relationship for around 10 months now, almost a year. Before they had gotten into a relationship they had been flirting back and forth for a few months, neither of them wanting to make the first move until Y/n finally got tired of the cat-and-mouse game they seemed to be playing.

The pair sat desks away from each other in their math class (both were terrible at math) which happened to be the only class they shared. Y/n was bored out of her mind taking notes that she didn't even understand, as her teacher's monotone voice droned on and on. The tick of the clock marks the slow strenuous minutes that passed.

Yn flipped her notebook to another page that was blank, grabbing her mechanical pencil and doodling on the page. She turned glancing to her side Marcus caught her eye. The boy sat drawing on his paper, his bottom lip between his teeth, in concentration.

Marcus felt a gaze searing into his skin. Looking up his brown eyes immediately met Y/n's, and a smirk grew on his face, before he winked at the girl, his eyes focusing back on his drawing. Which happened to be the girl which had captured his attention and heart from the moment he had begun to get to know her.

Y/n returned to her doodling in an attempt to hide her embarrassment from being caught staring at the boy. It randomly occurred to her, just do it, ask him, and be done with this phase.

She began writing the question onto the page, she knew it was a very child-like thin n to do however she thought it'd be a funny way to ask.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Following the question, three boxes, one marked "Yes" above it, the other "Is that even a question, yes" and the last one read, "I'm a dumb skater boy :P...".

Y/n folded the paper in half, writing the boy's name on the lined paper. She passed it to the person next to her, "Can you pass this to Marcus for me?" She questioned receiving a nod from the boy in the seat to her right.

She watched as the note made its way onto Marcus's desk. The boy looked up recognizing the girl's handwriting, eyebrows raised in curiosity at the girl's actions. To which she returned his smirk from minutes before, nodding at the note.

Marcus unfolded the paper, taking in the doodles at first before his eyes fell upon the question leaving him in a stupor at the words. His jaw left slack, before returning his gaze back to the girl shaking his head, a small smile gracing his face.

He checked the box labeled "I'm a dumb skater boy :P..." a smile on his face before creating another box checking and labeling it "hell yeah, I thought you'd never ask". The note was passed back to Y/n, a gargantuan grin on her face as she opened the note, viewing the boy's response.

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