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(Kaleb's Pov)

Silently following the guy who just bought me I feel nervous and scared but can't help but calm down a little from his nice scent. So far he's been nothing but nice to me and hasn't raised a hand to me like my old owner would always do but I don't know how he is behind closed doors yet. As we approach an apartment my ears flatten against my head and I let out a nervous whine when I smell another hybrid and a second person. The guy who bought me takes off his cap and mask leading me into the apartment I immediately admiring how good looking he is and notice that he's around my age. Swallowing I wince slightly since it causes pain but freeze for a second when I see two people on the couch I quickly rushing behind my new attractive owner and hide. It's quiet for a minute before I hear a voice stating in disbelief. "Changgu what the hell happened on your walk?" I cautiously peek out from behind the guy I now know as Changgu and receive a kind smile from the cat hybrid. Changgu then goes on to explain me running into him and buying me from my owner. "He needs medical attention do you think Kit can find him a doctor?" The cat hybrid nods before grabbing a phone calling someone when the hybrids mate gives me a kind smile. "What's your name?" I struggle to speak from both the pain and not using my voice in a long time then look at Changgu he frowning in concern. "His name is Kaleb. I don't know his last name." Suddenly the cat hybrid speaks up after ending the call. "Kit said to take him to an emergency clinic for hybrids. He said that there's one about ten minutes from here." Changgu nods before asking softly. "Angus can he borrow some clothes please so he won't freeze?" The cat hybrid Angus nods and skips off before coming back handing me some pants and a hoodie before leading me to the bathroom I giving a little nod of thanks before closing the door and getting dressed my nose wrinkling at the scent on the clothes. Once I'm dressed I exit the bathroom and quickly run back to Changgu's side he giving me a kind smile. "Let's get this chain off you." My eyes widen slightly as he gently takes the chain from around my neck throwing it aside before leading me out of the apartment and down the street until we reach a pretty large clinic. Immediately feeling nervous and anxious as we enter the clinic I follow Changgu to the front desk the receptionist immediately giving us especially Changgu a judgmental look I frowning and glaring at her slightly Changgu quickly explaining. "I rescued him from a man in the park." The woman raises an eyebrow but hands over a clipboard of papers. "Fill these out and then bring them back and he'll be seen as soon as possible." He nods and leads me over to a seat before handing the papers over to me I silently looking over some of the evasive and embarrassing questions but fill everything out handing it back to Changgu when I'm finished. Once he comes back I squirm and fidget anxiously he reaching over towards me making me flinch away instinctively. "I'm not going to hurt you I promise." I give him a wary look before looking up when I hear my name I getting up and head towards the nurse only to stop when I notice Changgu is still sitting I looking at him expectantly he blinking in surprise. "You want me to come with you?" I nod and he slowly gets up following me to the back where the nurse immediately takes my temperature and weight then leads us to a room I hopping up on the examination table while Changgu sits in the chair nearby and the nurse tells us that the doctor will be in soon. Looking around I jump slightly when there's a knock on the door and it opens revealing an older doctor he looking at me with a sympathetic look. "Well hello Kaleb I'm doctor Chang. I see you've got some cuts and bruises do you mind if I take a look?" I shrug watching as he moves closer my nose scrunching slightly at his strong medical smell he informing me every time he's going to touch  and observe me. He gently presses at the bruises a worried look on his face when he looks at my neck. "Well you're really underweight and I'm pretty sure the muscles in your neck and vocal cords are a little damaged and need time to heal." Changgu suddenly speaks up cautiously. "When I met him the man who abused him had a choke chain around his neck." The doctor immediately winces but nods. "Yeah that will definitely cause a lot of damage. So Kaleb I want you to take it easy talking for awhile so your neck and vocal cords can heal." I slowly nod then he seems to look over the papers I filled out. "I see here you didn't put down when your last heat was. Is there a reason for that?" I blush feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable my ears flattening against my head and I start shifting and squirming. The doctor looks at me worriedly I flinching away from him when he moves closer and hop down moving into the corner of the room shaking. The doctor and Changgu both look at me in concern I slowly inching closer to Changgu taking comfort in his scent. The doctor seems to notice because he turns his attention to Changgu. "Can you hold him please? Like let him sit on your lap or something? You seem to calm him down." I watch warily as Changgu looks at me and holds a hand out to me I hesitating before taking it and move closer carefully sitting in his lap immediately calming at his scent. The doctor then continues asking about my heat he giving me a piece of paper and a pen with a clipboard to write. I explaining that I was given injections so I wouldn't have one every month. The doctor slowly nods. "Well I think we should take you off that and let your heats slowly come back naturally." I blush nodding and am relieved when he tells us we can go after he gives me some simple pain medicine and tells me to take it easy I nodding and get up practically dragging Changgu from the clinic then let him lead me back to his apartment.

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