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Waking up the next morning to a knock on the door I slowly sit up rubbing the sleep from my eyes before I climb out of bed giving it a confused look when I don't see Changgu but I head for the door and open it curiously seeing Angus. "Come on the boys have practice today. Changgu told me to wake you because he had some errands to run apparently." I slowly nod a frown on my face but I reassure him I'll be ready soon. Once I quickly get dressed and brush my teeth along with grooming my hair, ears and tail I head for the living room my hands in my hoodie pockets. Yanan and Angus give me a little smile before we head out of the apartment and go to Cube entertainment. Once we reach the practice room floor I spot Changgu at the end of the hall talking with a young woman I smiling and tell Angus and Yanan to head on to the practice room I immediately heading over to Changgu. Just as I'm about to reach him though I freeze when suddenly him and the woman kiss I immediately feeling my heart shatter a little broken whine leaving me causing Changgu and the woman to break away he looking at me wide eyed. "Kaleb I..." I immediately shake my head and back away before I take off into a run down the hall going to the only place that makes me feel safe.

(Changgu's Pov)

After running a special errand I head to practice when a young woman from a new girl group under the company suddenly calls my name I looking at her curiously. "Hello sunbaenim I was wondering if I could talk to you about performing. We're debuting soon and I'm super nervous." Not thinking anything of it I give her a kind smile and start giving her some advice not noticing that she keeps getting closer and closer until suddenly she leans up pressing our lips together I freezing in surprise only to hear a broken whine from behind me making me jerk away and turn to see Kaleb my eyes widening. "Kaleb I...." Before I can say anything he runs off and I groan the girl looking at me in surprise. "Who was that?" I give her a look. "That was the guy I love. I need to go after him." She immediately stutters out an apology I shaking my head and rush to the practice room hoping that's where he ran to only to sigh when I don't see him anywhere. The other members give me a confused look I running a hand through my hair. "Have any of you seen Kaleb? A big misunderstanding just happened and I need to talk to him." Everyone shakes their heads no and I immediately feel worry fill me. "I gotta go find him." Hui gives me a little nod of permission and I thank him before running out of the building and decide to head home first hoping he'll be there. Just as I make it halfway home though and pass the park I see a familiar set of ears and a tail sitting under a tree I quickly rushing over. "Kaleb!" His head jerks up in surprise I seeing his eyes are red and puffy and there's tear streaks on his face my heart immediately breaking. He quickly rushes to his feet almost falling over I quickly stepping forward and steady him he jerking away from me making me frown. "Kaleb it wasn't what it looked like. She kissed me right as you came up to us I was shocked but I didn't kiss her back." He gives me a wary look as I plead with him. "Please believe me I don't care about her. In fact...." I pull out a pretty good sized box from my jacket pocket his eyes narrowing on it curiously I giving him a smile and hand it over to him. "Open it." He hesitates but opens the box his eyes immediately widening when he sees the pretty black and silver collar he was staring at. "You.... You got me the collar?" I nod smiling. "I saw how much you wanted it and accidentally overheard you talking to Angus about wanting it. And I wanted to ask if you'll be mine officially." He looks at me surprised before a big grin appears on his face his tail wagging. "I'd love to be yours. Will you help put the collar on me?" I nod smiling and step behind him helping fasten the collar around his neck making sure it's not too tight or uncomfortable. "Does it feel right?" He turns to look at me with a wide smile and nods happily I smiling softly as he hugs me tightly I gently petting his ears. He then slowly pulls away looking at me happily. "We should probably get you back to practice." I shake my head grinning. "How about I skip practice and we head home?" He blinks then smiles and nods accepting my hand when I hold it out to him and we walk home both happy and content.

Lost paradise (a Yeo one/ Yeo Changgu x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now