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Over the next few weeks I slowly get settled into my new home and can finally speak without pain. Angus, Kit and I have become fast friends and it's so nice to have friends who understand about the instincts I have. Also Changgu and I have gotten along very well even though I still have trouble sleeping without him or something with his scent on it but he seems to understand because he doesn't fuss or seem to get annoyed by my cuddly nature. Currently I'm backstage at a tv studio while the boys are being interviewed but I immediately start getting restless and antsy I starting to pace the dressing room. "You alright Kaleb?" I pause to look at Angus and let out a little whine. "I feel so restless and on edge. I can't relax it's like I have a lot of pent up energy." Angus and Kit look at each other before looking back at me with frowns on their faces. "Maybe it's your heat. The doctor said your cycle would return normally soon after stopping the injections right? So maybe all that stress and restless is from your body preparing." I slowly nod only to perk up when the door opens and the guys come back into the room so Kit, Angus and I go to leave the room to give them privacy to change but I see Kit whisper something to Changgu before following us out the door it closing behind us. I immediately lean back against the wall tapping my foot restlessly my mind unfocused and thoughts all scattered that I don't even notice the door opens again until I feel a hand on my shoulder making me flinch away and quickly turn my head to see Changgu standing there looking concerned. "Sorry. But are you okay? Kit told me you were restless and on edge." I give a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. But um do you think we can go to the park together please?" He smiles softly and nods. "Of course. Let me go tell the guys we're heading out early then we'll head over to the park." I nod and wait patiently until he comes back with a cap and mask on before he leads me out of the building and through the streets of Seoul.

Lost paradise (a Yeo one/ Yeo Changgu x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now