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(Changgu's Pov)

Slowly starting to wake up I hear murmurs and voices along with a few giggles a frown coming to my lips as I slowly open my eyes. As I blink the sleep away I see Yanan and Angus standing at the end of the bed with wide grins on their faces their phones in their hands. I go to sit up only to realize I have a figure on my chest clinging to me I recognizing Kaleb and everything comes back to me. I give Yanan and Angus a slight look whispering harshly. "Please don't wake him up he had a rough night of sleeping because he kept having nightmares." They give each other looks before Yanan looks back at me whispering. "We have practice this morning so it's either you skip or wake him and bring him with us." I let out a little sigh before I carefully get Kaleb's hands to let go of me and I slip out from under him before giving him a pillow to cuddle his face contorting into a frown and a whine leaving him. "Give him your shirt." I give Angus a weird look he crossing his arms over his chest. "Your scent comforts him so if you give him your shirt he'll have your scent and relax." I hesitate before nodding and take my shirt off before setting it on the pillow I watching as Kaleb's body relaxes and he let out a happy sigh. Smiling a little I usher them out of the room before going back to my room and get dressed before heading to the kitchen to start breakfast I humming thoughtfully to myself.

(Kaleb's Pov)

Slowly waking up to the smell of food and the cold bed I sit up groggily rubbing my eyes before I climb out of the bed and stumble towards the kitchen area I seeing Changgu at the stove he humming and singing softly I admiring his voice unconsciously melting a little. I make my way closer he turning his head and gives me a startled look I giving a sheepish apologetic look. "Sorry." He frowns at my hoarse voice giving me a slight look. "The doctor said to take it easy on talking don't push yourself." I lower my head with a little nod fidgeting with my hands then perk up a little when I smell food I raising my head a little to see Changgu setting down plates of food he motioning for me to sit. "Go ahead and eat." I give a shy thankful smile before I take the plate about to go sit on the floor when Changgu stops me. "You can eat at the table with us." I give him a surprised look but cautiously take a seat and start eating a happy noise coming from me when I taste actual food instead of dog food like my old owner would give me. Once I finish eating Changgu takes my plate and puts it in the sink as Yanan and Angus walk into the kitchen taking their seats. "So Kaleb how would you like to go to work with Changgu and I today?" I perk up curiously at Yanan's offer as Angus seems to get excited. "Yeah you should totally come! You can hang out with me and another hybrid named Kit." I look a little curious before looking to Changgu for permission he giving me a kind smile. "If you want to come you're welcome too." I smile a little and nod eagerly Angus letting out a little cheer and Changgu grabs my hand tugging me towards his room. "Come on and I'll get you some clothes." He digs through his clothes I looking around the room curiously until he gets my attention handing me some jeans and a hoodie I giving a thankful look before going to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth with an extra toothbrush and toothpaste that Angus gives me. Once I'm ready I walk into the living room practically hiding in my hoodie as I'm lead out of the apartment and to a large building I looking curious as we enter and go in an elevator then walk to a dance practice room. I immediately hide behind Changgu gripping onto his shirt a little and peek around a little as I see a large group of boys surrounding us giving me curious looks while Changgu and Angus explain why I'm here. After everything is explained Angus skips over to my side with a smile. "Let's head to the back so we can talk with Kit and the others can practice." I look over at Changgu who gives me a reassuring smile then let Angus drag me to the back of the room where a couch is and a pretty wolf hybrid sits. He looks up and gives me a kind smile. "Hi I'm Kit. Your Kaleb right? How are you settling in?" I shrug and write down on the paper I brought. "I'm not used to having so much freedom it's weird." He gives me a sympathetic look. "Well if you need anything don't hesitate to come to me or Angus." I give a small appreciative smile and take a seat as the music starts and I watch in awe as all of the boys practice together. My eyes unconsciously stay on Changgu the entire time I feeling a weird sensation in my chest every time he smiles and laughs. After watching the boys practice for a few hours they're all dismissed and I watch as immediately Kit and Angus run to their other halves I looking back at Changgu and cautiously approach him with a bottle of water he immediately giving a bright smile and a thank you before chugging the cold water. Shifting a little I rub my eyes tiredly Changgu seeming to notice because he excuses himself from going to dinner saying he'll take me home. I frown immediately trying to protest that I'm fine but he gives me a look. "You need to rest so that you'll heal." I pout but back down and bow politely to the others before following Changgu home where I take off my shoes then I gently tug on his shirt sleeve before I head to his room I giving him a tired pleading look. He motions for me to lay down I carefully climbing into his bed and he climbs in beside me I immediately snuggling close to him and nuzzle against his chest as I slowly fall asleep.

Lost paradise (a Yeo one/ Yeo Changgu x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now