Part 1: Pilot

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Hello there, thanks for giving this book a chance! :) just came on here to say, this book does have sexy sexy time but this book is slow burning - not too slow, but it's a good pace. So, please leave as many comments as possible because I love reading them and I love feedback - critical or not.

"How does your parents behaviour affect you?" The doctor asked me, a thick foreign accent rolling off his tongue. The man sat in front of me sat with his legs crossed in a polite manner, with a pen pressed against his paper as he waited patiently for me to respond. However, I only responded in a shiver. I hated my parents, I hated the fact they've given me nothing but grief throughout my life.

"How does it not? I can't do anything for myself, I'm always doing something. That being work, or attending to my siblings" I stared at an invisible marker out the large window Intently, biting down on my bottom lip almost drawing blood. The doctor scribbled something down into his book, causing me to feel more nerve-racked.

"You work at a care home, correct?" He asked me, not catching my eyes. I glanced down at his expensive watch, which shimmered into my eyes.

"Mhm" I vocalised back, biting the inside of my cheek. "Sweet people" I added on. The doctor gave me a faint smile, raising his head to meet my eyes.

"May I ask how you fit your siblings into your schedule?" He questioned me. The way he spoke, it was so elegant, so full of manners. It made me feel so lower class around the doctors presence, since he was so high class - almost felt wrong to breathe the same air as him. A smile twitched from a side of my mouth when the thought of my siblings popped into my head.

"They get all the time I have. I cook for them, clean for them, support them at their school events" my smile developing even more as I spoke, pondering to myself. "I love them, I'm really proud of them..." I murmured under my breath.

"Describe them to me" he insisted, hand gesturing for me to continue with a pen still in his hand.

"Vincent's 16, he likes his sports and I'm always going to be there for his big matches. I can't make all of them, you see... then there's Clementine. Oh, clem is the most purest, sweetest soul I've ever encountered before in my life and I imagine It'll stay that way" my once smile was now a large grin, falling into the dark hole of where I talk and talk and talk of my siblings, but that's exactly what the doctor wants so I'll continue by all means - mainly for myself " When our parents are coming down from their high, she always finds them a blanket of some sort and a pillow while they're passed out on our kitchen floor. It hurts, really..." my smile slowly faded, the more and more I went into my memories, zoning out into a pattern on the wooden flooring, analysing every wood piece. The doctor followed by gaze before clicking his tongue.

"You were not alone, during this. Were you?" He questioned, slanting his head at me as he dug his claws into me. He was correct, I wasn't alone, but I won't tell him he's correct. Not because I'm
That stubborn, but I don't want to go down that route today. I hesitantly shook my head over at him, swallowing a lump in my throat as I played with my fingers. The air around me became slightly thick, filling my lungs causing me to have shortened breaths. The doctor leaned forward, closer over to me as his piercing eyes scanned me up and down.

"No. I have Clem and Vince" I answered back, my voice now quiet and shaken.

"You and I both know that is not what I'm implying"

I tried to raise my head in an attempt to give myself some air, but it only unlocked tears developing in my eyes. I bit my lip hard, now drawing blood, in hope that they'd stop but they kept coming. The doctor held out a napkin over towards me, which I gratefully took dabbing my eyes.

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