the first talk

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You have already been in UA for about 3 months. You have only talked to todoroki a good amount of time where you can be considered friends. You usually see him with the Deku squad. You usually hang out with the bakusquad. But you only talked to him when you were in class, for homework, or for projects. But other than that you have talked to or hung out with him outside of class or school.

One day you were in the hallway looking at the notes that you wrote down from your class that you have just written. You felt a tap on your right shoulder. You turned and saw the todoroki was behind you. Then he said,

"I know we don't talk often. But would you like to hang out with me?"

You were surprised for a sec but you were happy that he finally wanted to hang out.

"I would love to. Where do you want to meet up?"

"We can go somewhere and use my dad's card."

"Will your dad be fine with you using his card?"

"Probably not."

"Oh. ok. What time is good for you."

"I think we have to get out of school early today so meet me in front of the school and we can have my driver pick us up."

"ok "

" I'll see you later."


You looked at your watch and started to walk to your next class. You were about to turn the corner when you heard two people talking. So you stop walking and stay where you are because you don't want to interrupt their conversation.

"Why haven't you told her yet?"

"Well, I don't know if she likes me back. So I haven't asked yet."

You could make out the voices to be Todoroki and Deku. As you continued to listen more to their conversation.

"So how long have you liked her?"

"About a month and a half."


Right when Todoroki was about to say something the bell rang. You quickly started to walk to your classroom when a hand slammed in front of you. Surprised you turned your head to see it and it was a person that you never saw before.

" hey. You're cute. Why don't we skip class and hang out."

"Sorry. I can't. I really need to get to this class."

You looked around to see if there was anyone to help. But you didn't see anyone. He kept trying to talk to you. It felt a cold wind and you saw someone walking toward the guy.

Tododroki grabbed him by the shirt and punched him in the face and wrapped his arm around you and walked you to your next class. Then he asked.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, thank you for helping me."

"You're welcome. I was coming this way for my next class anyways."

"Oh, well thank you anyway."

He smiled and you walked into your class and waved to him goodbye. When you finished your next you walked out and saw the guy that was harassing you earlier was getting talked to by one of the teachers. Then you saw todoroki again. So you walked over to him.

"Hey, are you ready to hang out now?"

He looked at you and said,

"Yeah, I already got my dad's card. My driver is already in front of the school. we should go before  it gets dark."

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