Game night

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A/N: this is a trash write because I'm bored and I'm being forced to play with my family and I really don't want to so I have no idea what this is literally my mind is barely comprehending what I am writing so if it is terrible that's why.
Does anyone else do that though? Just start writing but like zone out while you are writing but you keep writing and then you look back at it and you're just like 'I wrote that?' Anyone? Just me? Ouhkay.


∆∆Piper's POV∆∆

"Henry, mom wants to have a family game night. Hide your phone so she doesn't know you have it." I said, rummaging through Henry's nightstand.

"What are you looking for?" He asked, getting up from his couch and hiding his phone.

"Something to keep me entertained."

"She already take your phone?"

"Yeah. Now I gotta find something else." I sighed.

"There should be a tablet or some in my closet." Henry said before his phone went off.

"Thanks. You gonna answer that?"

"It's Ray. I have to." He said answering the phone.

•phone call•
"Hey kid!"

"What's up Ray?"

"You wanna come over? I'm bored over here."

"Family game night. Sorry Ray."

•End phone call•

"You seriously hung up on him?" I burst out in laughter. "He's gonna kill you."

"Yeah. I'll deal with it when it comes to that."

"Let's go. Mom's gonna be seriously mad." Piper said, hiding the small tablet she found while I put my phone in my pocket and we hurried downstairs.

As we make it downstairs there is a puzzle set up and a few board games and a few movies.

"Why are there movies? I thought this was game night not movie night." Henry said sarcastically.

"Just in case you both wanted to do something different." Our mother said.

"Whatever, let's just play." I said, sitting next to Henry on the couch and leaning my head on his shoulder while our parents set up the game.


If anyone wants me to write a part two for this I will but if no one asks don't expect one unless I want to just write a dump post or something.

Also is anyone reading this into Marvel? Because I want to write a story based around Peter Parker and Bucky Barnes but every thing I have tried hasn't worked well as in I can't think of a good plot that I can stick to. I want to do something like they are both in Hydra and escape or something but I have tried over 3 times and no time has it worked. So if you have any ideas for that or for these one shots please let me know.

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