Sorry(Story part)

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This is a story part! I just want to say a few things first. I want to thank all of you that have been here since day one, I am so grateful for all of you. 

I haven't been writing as I said I would, and I'm sorry. I don't have any diagnosed mental illness, but I think I do. I relapsed again, and my family doesn't exactly know I do sh.  I'm sorry I haven't wrote any thing because I said I would, and I didn't. I feel like I'm rambling a lot, I do that when I'm nervous. I don't even know why I might be nervous writing this, but I guess I am.

Anyways, one last thing before I start. I am going to be very busy this summer. I don't have too much motivation at the moment, so I'm really going to try to post like one a week or every other week, something like that, but I have no current update pattern.

I love you all and I really hope you like this part after reading me ramble for almost 200 words. That used to be how long. I made my story parts. Love you all so much. Thank you for all of your support and you all mean the world to me. <3 Enjoy Piper being the main character and fluff.


AU: Henry Hart and Piper Hart are twins. 16 years old. Henry is always getting into 'trouble'. Piper is known for apologizing for Henry, the trouble maker being stubborn. Being tossed from foster house to foster house, they finally make it to the Hart residence. Ironic, isn't it?

Part of this will be in a past sort of thing if that makes sense. It's different than what I normally do, so just try to deal with it.

Italics: past people talking and such

∆∆Third Person POV∆

"So sorry about him."
"He didn't mean it really."
"He's got an active imagination."
"I'll talk to him."
"I'm really sorry for his actions."
"He's just got a different brand of screws in his head."

That was Piper. Henry's sister. Apologizing for Henry. Piper was the 'good sibling'. She knew how to tidy up how to keep herself clean, how to clean up after herself and others, how to talk with others, and more.

"It's not that bad!"
"I was trying to surprise you!"
"It wasn't my idea!"
"Just forget it!"
"Don't you have someone else to worry about?"
"Leave me alone!"
"I just wanted you to be proud of me."

And that's Henry. Piper's brother. The troublemaker. He doesn't mean to, really. He's just trying to be noticed for something good. He just wants someone to be proud of him. Don't we all?

∆∆Henry's POV∆∆

"Come on! Do I really have to go! It's not like they are going to like me anyways!" I complain, knowing it's true.

"Just, try it out, okay? Maybe they will be different." The social worker ruffled my hair, just like she does everytime.

"Whatever." I mumble, rolling my eyes. "Pipes, you ready to go?"

She has more stuff than me. Everyone likes her better. She lugs her stuff around in a suitcase, I lug mine around in a Hefty bag.(This part is not Henry being Jealous of Piper. Okay maybe a little bit. But it's mainly so the difference between how Piper is treated to how Henry is treated is more easily seen.)

"Yeah!" Piper yelled, bringing her bag down the stairs.

"Let's just get this over with."

*At the heart residence*

"Hello?" A woman said as she opened to door.

"Hi, I'm ~~~~~~ and I work in social services, the ~~~~~~~~~~ industry. This is Piper and Henry."

"Oh right! I didn't realize you both came today! My husband isn't in right now, but my name is Siren, and my Husband is Jake. Feel free to call us both whatever you are comfortable with." She said, moving aside for us to walk inside.

"Thank you, ma'am." I mutter.

"Of course. What would you two like to do first, look around or get something to eat?"

"I wouldn't mind getting something to eat." Piper says, putting her bag down.

"Alright! Anything in particular you two want?"

"What about grilled cheese?" Piper talks. I'm rummaging through my bag.

∆∆Piper's POV∆∆

"Thank you so much." I say as she puts two plates of grilled cheese sandwiches on the table.

"Absolutely. Does he need help looking for something?"

"He's okay, he's looking for his court bear. We get one everytime we go to court."

"Have you guys been often? If you don't mind me asking."

"Yeah, you can say that, I guess. And I don't mind. You can ask whatever you want to me. Henry will ask a lot of questions later if I know him at all."

"So where are ethe rest of his? I noticed you had a bag full."

"He gives them away. To little kids. On the streets. He gives them to little kids occasionally when they look sad. But he has a special bear, the first one he got. That's his comfort bear." I said.

"I will clean these plates up, and leave that one if he wants to eat later. Should we wait until he finds the bear to start the tour of the place?" She asks.

"Yeah, that will probably be a good idea. He won't step another foot in this house until he finds his bear. He doesn't let anyone but me touch his bear." I explain.

"Okay, or you going to be fine if I go get some finishing touches done in your room while he finishes finding his bear?"

"Yeah, go ahead."


I know people don't really like authors notes, and I already did some on top, but please just read it. It's kind of important.

As I said in the beginning, my updating schedule is not set in stone, it might change. I'm being told that I need to try to get off my phone more because I spend a lot of time on my phone.(Wattpad, Doulingo, and some social media)

Because of this, the chapters might either be shorter, like this one(because this is over 1000 words but isn't too much story) or will take longer to post.

One of my upcoming chapters will talk about some of these things, potentially in more detail if I feel like it.

Anyway, I love you all so much, and I thank you for reading my stories. My friends don't exactly understand why I write, and they laugh at me when I told them, but I'm hoping I'm making a difference in someone's life.


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