Prologue: Visions of Hell on Earth and Another World

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Authors Note: This part is slightly inspired by The Clock Tower

July 29th, 1944. Britannian Airspace.


As Lynette fired her anti tank rifle, a Neuroi was destroyed by the force of the impact as the white dust that Neurois usually produced from damaged sections of themselves hit the Neurois core. "Got one!" Lynette said as she focused her aim towards another Neuroi. Suddenly however, a Neuroi got behind her and charged up its beam but then it was distracted by machine gun fire from Yoshika. 

"You alright Lyn?" Yoshika asked as Lynette nailed a Neuroi with an anti tank round. "Yes." Lynette then replied as she brought back the bolt action and loaded another anti tank round. "Don't lose your concentration Miyafuji!" Sakamoto said as she gunned down another Neuroi. "Yes Ma'am!" Yoshika then responded as she diverged from Lynette and went to kill another Neuroi for herself. At the same time however, Trude was shooting Neuroi left and right with her akimbo MG42s.

While Trude fired off every round in her machine guns like a female version of Rambo however, Erica followed her and made sure to clean up the Neuroi that got through Trude. Shirley was killing several Neuroi while going as quick as an actual plane, using a M1918 BAR. Following suit was Lucchini, who... well honestly as the author i don't know, but she used a M2 Browning heavy machine gun. Perrine was firing precise bursts of automatic fire.

And finally Eila, unlike every other witch in the sky, was dodging Neuroi beams instead of using her shield. Everyone else like Sanya or Minna were either on standby or coordinating the entire battle and the movement of the Neuroi.

"Only five more left!" Sakamoto said as she looked towards the Neuroi that have assembled before the Witches. Four of them were normal assault large type Neuroi, however what seemed to be a small type Neuroi was in the center of the formation. 'Huh. I've rarely seen a small type Neuroi in Britannia till now.' Eila thought to herself as she readied her own MG42. As soon as the Neuroi formation diverged the witches went into action, firing off all of their weapons.

Lynette and Perrine faced the first large type Neuroi as Lynette fired an anti tank round at the Neuroi, however this time it didn't hit the Neurois core. "I've got this." Perrine then said as she flew and hit the Neuroi with her Bren light machine gun, trying to figure out where the core was using brute force, however Lynette beat her to it as a anti tank round revealed the core of the Neuroi. "Found it!" Lynette then said as she loaded an anti tank round and fired at the core, killing the Neuroi.

Next was Erica who had to face the second large type Neuroi. Circling around it, Erica then pelted the Neuroi with MG42 munitions, swerving by and dodging the occasional Neuroi beam that went her way. However when it seemed as if the Neuroi couldn't go down, Erica activated her inherent ability, Sturm. Doing a barrel roll, Erica focused on the Neuroi and managed to make a large hole in it which destroyed the core.

Next was Miyafuji and Sakamoto, who both fired upon the third large type Neuroi with their respective machine guns, however during the attack Sakamoto opened her eyepatch and saw the core of the Neuroi. "The core is in the center of the Neuroi! Focus your fire there!" Sakamoto yelled to Miyafuji who nodded and focused her fire. Right after, the core was revealed and the rest of Miyafuji's machine gun fire took care of the Neuroi.

Next up there was Shirley and Lucchini who faced on the final large type Neuroi. Shirley started by firing some rounds towards the Neuroi, however the Neuroi proved to have more armor than usual and her bullets proved to merely scratch the Neuroi. "This is a tough one. Lucchini!" Shirley said as Lucchini had created several shields and focused heat at the front. "Got it!" Lucchini then charged at the Neuroi as she avoided its beams that were sent her way. Then as soon as the shields made contact they glided through the Neuroi and destroyed its core.

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