Chapter 6: Secondary Contact - A Spy Smoked Out

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Authors Note: I'm thinking of rewriting my older SW fanfiction.

June 7th, 2027/August 1st, 1944. Western General Headquarters, Britannia.

"The 501st is missing!?" A general in a black coat named Albert Kesselring said as a witch from the 508th, out of all people, stood in front of him alongside Bernard Montgomery and Trevor Maloney. "It seems so. Ever since the rest of the 508th returned and the Neuroi invasion force had launched, the 501st has been radio silent for two days. The last message we received from them was that they contacted a ship known as the NCSS Nortersk alongside some pieces of information for an unknown country; Neue Kanteriya, I presume its called." A witch in the 508th named Shindo Mie said.

'Neue Kanteriya? What is that, some sort of forgotten Karlslandian colony? No matter, it seems like an opportunity has shown itself.' Trevor Maloney thought to himself as the 501st being away meant that the Warlock project could go uninterrupted since the people who could be the most suspicious of the plan had just disappeared, almost too conveniently.

However on the other side of the table the two other generals were worried as the first and strongest line of defense for London and southern Britannia had just vanished. However with misfortune comes opportunity, some opportunities more sinister than some mecha project. "Tell us about that nation then." Montgomery said as he turned the situation positively and planned on getting New Canteria as an ally as they had been able to lay a finger on the 501sts radio communications.

"From what we and the 501st could gather, Neue Kanteriya is a nation that is like Liberion or Orussia in many aspects, such as its architecture and military composition. However said nation's weaponry is advanced enough to stave off the Neuroi with only the weapons that are given to infantry, one of them being referred to as the 'CG73 anti-tank rocket launcher'." Mie said with a serious tone as the rest of the generals looked in disbelief. 

"That's some bullshit if I ever heard any! How would any nation not be known if they're able to hold off the Neuroi without witches!?" Montgomery said in absolute disbelief since witches were an integral part of the fight against the Neuroi by humanity. "I apologize but this is what the 501st and 508th have reported about the matter." Mie said as Montgomery pinched the bridge of his nose. "Christ. We'll be searching the bases of both the JFWs for any narcotics, dis-", "Hold it."

Montgomery and Albert looked towards Trevor as he stopped the general from dismissing the witch, an unexpected move from him since he didn't like witches, to put it lightly. "I'm all ears on this matter. Mind telling me how advanced this nation would be compared to say, the Liberians?" Trevor said as some people could tell what he was trying to ask immediately. "I would estimate just below a century." Mie said, noticing Trevor's sudden curiosity. "I see. Then I suggest you all should try to get them involved against the Neuroi, after all they did appear out of nowhere." Trevor said.

'Change of plans. If this nation could defeat the Neuroi with only the weapons given to its infantry, then witches can become obsolete. All we need is to reverse engineer said anti tank launcher. Its strange it's called anti-tank instead of anti-Neuroi though.' Trevor also thought as he had devised a plan on the spot to use the New Canterians to make witches obsolete, though that plan would become easily adjustable in the following weeks.

"I see. Then what do we do about the missing 501st? The Isle of Wight cant handle the defense of the entirety of Britannia after all." Albert said as he had been waiting to get to the point of the entire meeting. "We could theoretically move a subsection of the 508th to Britannia to supplement the lack of the 501st, though we would also have to merge them with the Isle of Wight to make an entire JFW. An A and B unit is what I'm suggesting." Montgomery said as it was a good plan, if it were not interrupted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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