Chapter 4: Arnket's Nocturne

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June 6th, 2027. Arnket, New Canteria.

After a day filled with barely any drama aside from Eila going back to life and interrogating Dimitri like he was suspected of murder, the NCSS Nortersk finally arrived at Arnket during the night where the witches could see it from a distance.

"Woah. It looks just like New York." Shirley said as she saw the streets of Arnket from the railing of the deck, full of vibrant color and general characteristics of any major city. "We get that a lot. Besides that though, we'll be landing at Ichinskiy airfield by dropship soon... and wear some damn pants too, we don't want the civil populace to think we just let in some exhibitionists. No offense if this is common in your world." Dimitri said as the first time he saw the lack of pants the witches had, he almost choked on his own spit.

"Oh, right. That's reasonable since you don't have witches." Mio said as she grabbed her respective pair of pants. The other witches following suit, except Sanya, whos pants were discarded since her skirt counted as clothing. "Ah right. Dimitri I have something to tell you." Hiroshi said as he led Dimitri out of hearing distance of the witches, making sure they were alone too.

"So what is it? I was going to look away from them regardless." Dimitri asked as he had his fair share of mishaps involving women changing. Especially the Japanese who threw entire cabinets at him for glancing, which he found horribly illogical. "Well if you're worried, this isn't about that. Recently a group of hardcore militarists named the Razreznoy Junta who were against the occultists found out about the witches and are planning a hit on them. All 11 of them." Hiroshi said as Dimitri entered a serious mood.

"So who the hell couldn't keep their mouth shut then?" Dimitri asked. "Probably someone on this very ship. The defense agency's SF said they had it under control, however I doubt that. Remember the hotel you were being planned to stay at?" Hiroshi said as Dimitri stopped for a second, scrounging the back of his mind. "The Koveran?" Dimitri asked.

"It was destroyed by an explosion from Razrez. A mutant mix of TNT, napalm, and plastic explosive. Whole building went up into flames, it was so bad that they had to call in the air force to drop Sky Jell-O because water nor that foamy shit from fire extinguishers worked on it." Hiroshi said. "The million dollar question though, is why did they even commit domestic terrorism on the Koveran?" Dimitri said as Hiroshi made a gesture saying 'you figured it out'.

"It was to probably drive us away from that specific location. After all, the Koveran is in the third most secure area in the entirety of Arnket and Kamchatka itself. Instead, they plan to drive us to some other hotel in a peaceful area. Makes attacks easier after all." Hiroshi said as Dimitri smiled, already having developed a plan. "Then why not somewhere that's not even a hotel at all?" Dimitri asked, to which Hiroshi widened his eyes to.

"Where the hell are you going to find somewhere!? Your house literally got bombed as well and your parents houses were seized!" Hiroshi said as Dimitri brought out his phone. "Simple, an old friend of mine. Amai Michiru." Dimitri said as he went to speed dial and called someone with the simple name of 'michiru'. The ringing reverberating in Dimitri's ear for a split second before the phone picked up.

"Hello?" Michiru asked as she wasn't expecting Dimitri to be at the end of the line since they stopped calling each other since the civil war started. "Hey Mich. Something came up and-" Dimitri didn't get to say his point as he heard what seemed to be very poor cry-yelling from Michiru.

"Dimitri-san~~~" Michiru said, compelling Dimitri to sigh in frustration. 'Not this fucking shit again! I swear to god.' Dimitri thought to himself as in truth, Michiru would usually be clingy as shit. "Who's that?" Hiroshi asked in a laxed tone as even he could hear Michiru's whines. "Michiru. She was a student at the high school I went to, y'know? Before it was bombed and I was given a diploma?" Dimitri said.

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