Chapter 1: In The Blink of An Eye

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June 5th, 2027. "Plasma Palace", Arnket, New Canterian Republic.

"What the hell is going on? One moment I'm in my office filing paperwork, and the next I get blinded by a red LED!" The 'President', Grigori Gusev asked as he could hear a cacophony of phone calls, presumably being sent from inside the country. "Sir. All of the border posts in our core territory are reporting to be seeing an ocean in front of them." An advisor by the name of Daniel Graham said as he read a report summed up by the formerly inactive military zone at the borders of New Canteria. 

Grigori sighed immediately as he looked took a look at the report. "I swear to fucking... I know the civil war has been tough on those troops, but i never expected them to take meth. I thought they would just masturbate or something instead of narcotics. I guess something new happens every day now huh?" Grigori then said as he thought about the most logical answer to the problem, unfortunately for him however the problem in question was illogical by a severe amount as he will find out himself soon.

"That's not all sir. Fishing boats have also been reporting that they have been catching Atlantic cod instead of fish native to the Pacific ocean. And residents of Chukotka have reported seeing a small black cloud in Alaska." Daniel said as Grigori took a look up from the report. "The residents of Chukotka could just be seeing a storm cloud, however the Atlantic cod situation is strange. Perhaps those fishermen mistook some other fish species as Atlantic cod?" Grigori said as he kept reading the report by the military zone. "Sir... all of the parties that have reported say that-"

A man suddenly burst into the room with sweat on his head. "THE COAST GUARD IN PROVIDENIYA IS SENDING OUT A DISTRESS CALL!" The man yelled in distress as the distress call he mentioned was a call for help. "The fuck is going on there? The Yetis finally went insane and attacked us?" Grigori yelled, referring to the Alaskans as Yetis. 

"NO SIR! AN AIR FLEET OF GOD DAMN BOGEYS ARE KILLING EVERYONE THERE!" The man yelled. "God damn it! First the numerous instances of crack consuming bitches reporting to Arnket, the cod issue, and now this!? Once you've figured out if that garrison of two fucking people aren't on crack then send the reserves!" Grigori yelled.

The man quickly leaves and Grigori faces Daniel. "Continue on with what you were saying Mr. Graham.", "All of the parties that have reported to Arnket say that we might have been displaced to another location. Preferably the middle of the Atlantic Ocean since it lines up with all of the claims I've just mentioned." Grigori then gave the report from the military zone back to Daniel. "Well by god i hope you're wrong, since if we were brought to the Atlantic ocean then the entire delicate balance of power and ideology in east Asia would turn upside down." Grigori said.

Suddenly a fax machine to the right of Daniel printed out another report from the Provideniya coast guard, once the fax was finished processing Daniel read it. "The coast guard contingent just gave a report about the enemy's description." He said as Grigori listened. "The attackers at Providenya solely consist of only unidentified flying objects, which have a hexagonal pattern that consists of red and dark grey hexagons. The design itself however resembles German aircraft during WW2-" 

Grigori interrupts him as he sits down on a chair and holds the bridge of his nose tightly. Afterwards clicking his tongue and looking up towards Daniel, releasing his grip on his nose. "I've seen Strike Witches. Send the 401st motorized infantry squadron followed by the 114th fighter squadron if motorized doesn't respond. I'm killing someone if this shit is just some large fucking prank on my ass. Might as well get the occultists to help too." Grigori says, completely finished with what he thinks is 'nonsense' to him. Suddenly another fax came out of the fax machine. "Sir. A report from our lunar colony."

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