Chapter 2

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Tory had crossed Robby's mind as he had missed her before shit went down in Mexico. He truly hadn't thought of her as much as he would've liked afterwards, though- but her warm welcome and embrace washed his guilt away.

Miguel's high from his family was lowered at an even deeper level when Sam broke up with him- but at least he wasn't dumped for anyone other than herself! He realized how well they got along naturally, even as friends, when they got over their awkwardness and bonded over the book she was reading. He was thankful he was forced to face her again at the water park.

"So how was Mexico? I'm dying to know!", Tory asked eagerly, holding Robby's hands.

"Not the way I expected, that's for sure", Robby replied with a laugh.

"My dad, as usual, tried to make amends with both me and Miguel at the same time, but.. with everything that went down- you know, with Miguel's dad being a bad guy and all- we realized it wasn't the time or place to fight. For once."

Tory's eyebrows raised.

"Wow! So you mean to tell me you actually cared about your surroundings!?", she teased.

"But in all seriousness, did anything happen? Are you okay?"

Robby sighed.

"Besides finding Miguel's dad? Who surprisingly didn't harm us? Yes. On the way back-"

Robby's voice was interrupted by the Cobra Kai's and Miyagi-Fangs shouting at each other.

"Shit. Hold that thought", Tory said as quick as Robby followed her.

Miguel and Sam rolled their eyes as they witnessed the commotion, but Miguel had to walk over when he saw Hawk and Kenny getting heated. It didn't seem to be just about who owned the park anymore.

Remembering the moment Robby and Miguel shared, Robby didn't attack Hawk; but Tory eventually pushed Hawk into the pool when her words weren't enough.

"Really, Tory?", was all Miguel rhetorically asked before pulling Hawk out of the water.

"You know Kenny was the aggressor", Robby told Tory.

Before Tory could respond, the lifeguard blew his whistle and told everyone involved to get out.

"I can talk to Kenny about it, okay? I just wanted to break up the fight and forget about it, but now that's impossible", Tory replied as they were walking out of the park.

"I think Cobra Kai has a lot to do with that", Robby admitted with sorrow.

Tory scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means it's not the right place for Kenny. For you. For me. I wouldn't even want my worst enemy in Cobra Kai- not because I'm afraid, but simply because I know the long term effects it has. I'm lucky I got out when I did."

"Okay well, you were there: you knew I did what I had to in order to stop the fight. And yeah, maybe Cobra Kai has had some bumps on the road, but you can't just ask me to leave! Let alone Kenny! Especially when you introduced him to the dojo! What would that say about us as leaders?"

"I'm just worried, Tory. Especially with Silver in charge. That's all. I'm not trying to antagonize you, I know you aren't exactly like them. But Kenny is becoming like them, and we both know it and see it. You can't tell me that's not true. I really don't want anyone I love a part of that world. I know you make your own decisions, but this can't be brushed under the rug.."

"So it will be a constant problem is what you're saying? With someone you 'love'?"


"No! I understand perfectly. You just admitted you 'loved' me, for the first time ever at that, yet you're gonna let Cobra Kai drive a wedge between us", Tory said as she walked away.

Robby sighed and walked after her.

"Tory I'm just trying to protect you and others I care about all at once. This doesn't mean I don't love you. In fact it's the opposite!"

"Whatever makes you feel better, Robby. Get used to comforting yourself because I'm done with this conversation. For good. I'm not going to be in a relationship with a guy who will constantly shit on my decisions because they are different from his- especially when he claims to know what it means to let his girlfriend be independent."

And that was that. Robby knew not to chase after Tory this time.

Hawk saw Robby walking alone as he was walking to his car with Miguel behind Moon and Yasmine.

He sighed a bit angrily.

"We need to go talk to him", Hawk urged Miguel.

"Why? He didn't start or continue the fight. If anyone did anything, it was Tory", Miguel replied.

"Exactly." Hawk grabbed Miguel's arm who sighed with reluctance, but followed.

"Hey, Keene!"

Robby turned annoyed, but his expression switched in an instant when he noticed who was with Hawk.

"You need to keep your girlfriend in check. And the others. What happened to not being part of Cobra Kai?"

"She isn't my problem, anymore. That should be enough proof I'm not in Cobra Kai", Robby said before walking off.

Miguel kept his gaze on Robby with wide eyes and scrunched brows.

"Oh.. not what I was expecting to hear.." Hawk shook his head out of it and dragged Miguel back to the car.

"Dude what the fuck happened in Mexico, again? I get preventing a fight, but now it's like y'all don't even insult each other anymore."

"Maybe they got soft", Yasmine teased.

"Or hard."

"Don't push it, babe! They aren't killing each other, and that's what matters", Moon said pleased.

"Well obviously sensei went to go look for me, and in the midst thought he could bond with Robby.. looking for me. You can imagine his reaction, hell I can. But when I saw Robby after they found me.. it meant a lot that he stayed to look for me, even if it was just to help out his dad. I was weak and vulnerable, as I had just found out how right my mother had been about my father. I was just too stubborn to accept her words as she had lied to me in the first place. I was hurting from someone who should've been the most important in my life, so I guess sensei's affection and Robby's help did a number on me. And of course after we were attacked at the gas station.. not something I wanna go over again, by the way.. I realized maybe I don't want Robby hurt as much as I thought I did. If that makes any sense", Miguel concluded with a laugh.


Johnny picked up Robby at the water park who was visibly upset.

"What's with the long face? Didn't you just have the best time of your life?"

Robby shook his head with rolling eyes.

"I tried to get Tory to follow my footsteps- leave Cobra Kai. Instead she left me. I don't understand why- I know she isn't exactly like them. But Kenny is. And now Kenny is wrapped around Silver's finger.."

Johnny sighed in disappointment. It was times like these where he wished he just kept the dojo to himself. He should've never let Kreese through those doors.

"Ah, kid. I'm sorry. She'll come around, regardless of what happens in the future- between the two of you, I mean. Cobra Kai can't blind all of its students forever. Let's hope Kenny isn't one of them."

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