Chapter 6

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On the other side of the world, Tory decided to go to the LaRusso's house to let them know who truly won the tournament. It just so happened to be the day both their dojos were accepted into the Sekai Taikai. Of course Sam already knew something was up when Tory DIDN'T fight her, so when she showed up at her house.. Sam couldn't strike first. Sam was just getting ready to go to the party to celebrate, anyway, so why ruin her progress?

"Tory?" Sam tilted her head.

"Listen, I don't want any problems, I just.. there's something you and your entire family need to know."

"Oh. Um. I can grab my parents-"

"I understand if you don't feel comfortable letting me in, especially after what I've done.. to your house. We can talk right here."

"That won't be necessary, Tory. Come in, please", Daniel urged.

Sam paved the way and everyone sat at the table where Amanda already was.

"Tory", Amanda greeted.

"Mrs. LaRusso."

"So Tory.. what's going on?", Sam asked before Daniel could.

"I hate being the one to tell you this, but I also know no one besides me and Silver know, so.. here goes nothing. Silver bribed the referee at the tournament so we could win, and.. that win belongs to you guys. I've felt disgusting holding that trophy in my room, but it got worse when I placed it in the dojo- when I thought getting it out of my apartment would help. It broke my heart the way it breaks yours, as shutting down your dojo- which is what you perceive to contain the best philosophy- is equivalent to me knowing I actually wasn't the best student when I did my best and fought fair. It makes me question if Cobra Kai is the right dojo for me, or if the problem is just in the sensei's that lead it- not Cobra Kai itself. And then I tried to get Kreese to help, but he dumped me and backed out as if it's my problem now. Which I guess it is, but.. I'm just.. I'm sorry."

Tory was clearly fighting her hardest not to let her watery eyes slip, and Sam's anger turned into a sorrow empathy.

"Oh my god, Tory.." Sam began.

"We are sorry to hear what you are going through", Daniel began.

"But we thank you for telling us. That must've taken a lot of courage", Amanda assured.

"You've come to the right place", Daniel assured.

"Cobra Kai cannot enter an international tournament with a sensei like that."

"And now that we know the whole picture, we can help each other. Besides, we also have reason to believe Stingray is lying about Kreese", Sam suggested.

Tory shook her head in disbelief. She didn't think Silver would stoop that low- but who was she kidding.

"It's just.. we need proof. And the only proof I can think of is the footage at the new dojo- specifically when I confronted Silver about it. Of course he compared it to when my mother "stole" leftover food at her restaurant so me and my brother could eat- and asked if it was really cheating- if you're doing what you have to in order to succeed, to win, to thrive.."

Daniel's eyes widened.

"The nerve of that man! To remind you of your past to justify his sick, twisted game!"

"Listen, Tory. Silver may have friends in high places, but.. so does my dad. Should this go to court, we'll have really good lawyers. We just need to convince Stingray to open up, change his statement. That would help our case more than we know. Regardless of how this is handled, it needs to end with Silver going to prison."

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