Chapter 3

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Johnny decided to take Robby out to Olive Garden to lift his spirits.

Hawk did the same and drove the crew over.


Robby noticed Miguel sitting with the others a few tables down. He decided to tease his dad.

"Hey, dad?"

"Yeah, bud?" Johnny replied glued to the menu.

"You sure you didn't drag Miguel here, too?"

Johnny looked up and Robby pointed to Miguel with his head, causing him to turn around.

"If I did that means I apparently dragged everyone and their friends here", Johnny smiled.

"You took that joke well. But in all seriousness, I thank you for bringing me here with no ulterior motives", Robby laughed not meaning to.

"It's the least I could do- even though I swear to you Mexico wasn't to hurt you.. I really did-"

"Dad, you don't have to explain. I understand. I do. It's okay. Really."


"Now I know why Miguel voted for this place", Yasmine teased as she pointed to Robby discreetly.

Miguel turned and was stunned to say the least.

"Ah.. guys I had no idea he'd be here. I swear it!"

"Yeah and I didn't invite Demetri", Yasmine confessed as Demetri spotted their table- of course no one minded. She just proved a point as she waved sexily at him.

"Well hellooo my lady- and to you guys too!"

Everyone laughed.

"You all have been with me this whole time! I didn't invite anyone! Or use my phone for that matter!", Miguel defended- not too angrily, though.

"Look at how frustrated he's getting", Yasmine kept at it.

"I think he needs help."

"Yas! You're so bad!", Moon chimed in.

"Tell me about it", Hawk laughed.

"She assumes my brother here is gay."

Hawk paused realizing that came out as a bit offensive.

"...not that there's anything wrong, you know? Or that I'd give a fuck. It would just be.. new. News. Different. But cool. Yeah. You-"

"Ok what the hell did I walk into?" Demetri funnily asked.


Johnny and Robby had no complaints so far and had just ordered dessert when Robby saw someone who resembled the thug who nearly killed him. He began hyperventilating, yet he couldn't take his eyes off of the culprit. This wasn't the same guy, but his mind couldn't register the difference. He hadn't had a panic attack like this before, or ever really. He never wished to shake this way again, but who knew if he would.

Johnny immediately got up and went by his side, and placed a hand on each of his shoulders. He told him not to explain as he noticed the guy as well, and to just take deep breaths- become aware of everything else around him. Johnny wanted to call Miguel but he didn't have to as Moon noticed Robby's state and urged Miguel over.

"Oh my god what the hell happened!?", Miguel asked realizing Robby could pick up on his energy. He then changed his tone.

"Sorry.. ah.. Robby?"

Robby seemed to just be staring into nothing, but looked at Miguel and just pointed at the guy. Johnny felt bad being grateful for this, but he didn't want to repeat traumatizing words or trigger anymore memories.

"Shit.. let's get you out of here", Miguel helped Robby up and signaled his friends who understood.


Now Miguel was in the backseat with Robby. Again. This time Robby allowed Miguel to console him.

However, Miguel began by talking. He wouldn't do anything physical until he knew he could.

"I know it's not my fault, but I'm still sorry time with your dad was ruined- again.."

Robby just shook his head.

"You're not the asshole here. You were right. About talking to someone who understands. I bottled up the trauma that was festering that night, and now it came out- spread."

"I'm no doctor, but I think anxiety or panic attacks are something beyond our control when we go through such things- yet a normal response to them. Just because you didn't talk to me that night doesn't mean that's why your attack happened.."

Robby just nodded on the verge of tears.

"I just- everything happened so fast. Our sudden team up. The flashback of your fall, the fear you must've felt. It all came onto me when that gun was against my skin, and I finally understood how you must've felt falling off that balcony.."

Robby paused as a couple of tears fell.

"..Except you actually got severely hurt. Landed in a coma. Nearly died. I only have a couple of bruises and scratches. Maybe I deserved to.. to-"

Now Miguel had to grab Robby's hands.

"Don't finish that sentence. It was an accident. You know it. I know it. Sure, we probably wanted to kill each other, but we aren't monsters. Our joy would have been short lived. I would've felt the exact same way if I were in your shoes that day. We fed off of ego attacks and passive aggressiveness more then anything else, anyways.. who would we have to taunt if the other died", Miguel said cringing but knowing any attempt to lighten the mood would help.

Robby let out a quick smile, still battling his tears.

"Just know I'm sorry, and that was the worst moment of my life as well as yours.."

Robby's tears were now contagious.

"Stop it, you're gonna make me sappy", Miguel laughed teary-eyed.

"But I'm sorry, too. For being part of the reason the fight happened in the first place. Who knows, maybe I-"

Robby squeezed Miguel's hands back now.

"Don't finish that sentence", Robby said imitating Miguel from earlier.

Johnny was glad and beyond lucky it was night time. He just witnessed his two sons, sworn enemies crying out of sympathy and empathy for each other. Everyone in the car had sweaty eyes. But soon enough, they were back at Johnny's apartment.

Tory had done a lot of thinking, and had made her way to Johnny's apartment as she figured Robby would rather be there then with Shannon.

However, Miguel held Robby's hand as they walked inside, and.. she witnessed it. She was beyond confused, and too hurt to become aggressive, or angry at all for that matter. So she left. She figured Robby was a chapter she needed to close.

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