Chapter 4: Still. Not. Bitten.

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Clementine instantly heads over to you and wraps her non-injured arm around your neck, hugging you.

Clementine: "Thank you for staying with me Y/N..."

You hug back. "Of course. It's me and you, and it'll always be me and you."

Clementine pulls away with a smile. "I guess we should do what we always do."

Y/N: "Yeah... Look for a way out."

The two of you each search one section of the shed for anything useful.

Clementine: "Y/N, I found some fishing line. We could use this for stitches."

Y/N: "And I found a hammer." You unfold a nearby table and climb onto it. You stand on your toes to reach the hammer at the highest shelf, but the shelf collapsed the second you applied pressure to it.

You fall to the ground with a heavy thud, but of course, Clementine was right by your side.

Clementine: "You okay?"

Y/N: "Y-Yeah..." You lift the fallen shelf and take the hammer beneath it. "I got the hammer."

Clementine: "Good, now let's find a way out."

Y/N: "Already on it." You announce as you find a hole in the corner of the shed, a flimsy board with some nails fastened to it, blocking it off.

You use the claw of the hammer to pry open the board, as it snaps off of the shed wall.

Clementine steps to the wall and kicks the thin panel open, recreating a small hole.

You and Clementine high-five, as you let Clementine crawl out first, with you right behind her.

Once the two of you were outside, and in the rain, you looked at each other, ready to formulate a plan.

Clementine points behind you, and you see a nearby walker.

You nod, showing her that you acknowledged it.

Clementine: "They have a doctor... He's gotta have stuff for stitches." Clementine reasons.

Y/N: "I agree." You look at the cabin. "The hard parts gonna be getting them, though."

Clementine: "Then let's not waste any more time." You and Clementine sneak up to the cabin, remaining low to the ground so you don't stick out.

Y/N: "Let's split up, and meet back at the steps." Clementine nods as you move to the side of the cabin while she goes up the steps.

Your eyes land on a piece of plywood nailed under the foundation of the house. You attempt to pull it with your bare hands, but it doesn't budge.

Sighing, you pull out your hammer and use the claw to pull the nails of the plywood off with ease, revealing another hole.

You were small enough to fit in the hole, so you crouched in, not being able to fully stand due to how low the floor was.

You eventually reach a trap door, which was rusted shut. You tried to use your hands, but it didn't budge.

You once again pull out your trusty hammer and angle it so the claw was at the edge of the trap door.

You pull with all of your might, and the trap door pops open.

You wait for a bit, just in case anyone heard it. Once you waited long enough to your liking, you slowly pushed the trap door up to peak at whatever room you'd be in.

Burn: The Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now