Chapter 6: The Riverbank

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Clementine, Y/N, and Pete walk through the dense woods, the sound of rustling leaves underfoot. Y/N periodically adjusts the bandage over his eye, trying to keep it from irritating him too much.

"How are you two holding up?" Pete asks, glancing between the kids. "Rebecca really let into you both last night. Once she's started, she doesn't stop. But don't mind her too much; she's all bark."

"What's her deal?" Clementine inquires, a mix of annoyance and curiosity evident in her voice.

Y/N shrugs. "Feels like we're her new targets."

Pete sighs deeply. "She's going through a lot, with the baby coming and all. It's not easy in a world like this."

Gazing forward, Clementine asks, "How much farther to these fish traps?"

"I hope they're close," Y/N chimes in, his stomach growling slightly. "I'm starving."

Pete chuckles. "Not much longer now." He then notices Y/N's constant fidgeting with the bandage. "Bothering you?"

"Just itches a bit," Y/N admits.

Spotting Clementine's eyes on his rifle, Pete asks, "Have either of you been taught to shoot? And I mean really taught, not just handed a gun."

"Lee taught me," Clementine states proudly.

Y/N nods. "Lee showed me too, but my dad started me off."

Pete looks pleased. "Good. Shooting's a survival skill these days. You know, I took Nick hunting when he was about your age. We found this huge buck. But Nick? He froze up."

"No way," Clementine replies, smirking slightly.

Y/N chuckles. "Guess some things don't change."

Nick's footsteps become audible as he hurries to catch up. "Hey! Why'd you rush ahead?"

Pete rolls his eyes. "You knew where we were headed. Besides, we couldn't wait for every little break you needed."

The group continues, the forest enveloping them.

Recalling the past, Pete says, "That day hunting? I tried to take the shot for Nick. And then? Out of nowhere, Nick fires. Nearly hit me."

Nick groans. "Are you ever gonna let that go?"

Pete winks at Clementine and Y/N. "Just making a point. Everyone has those moments."

Defensively, Nick retorts, "I said I was sorry!"

"It's all good, Nick," Y/N reassures. "Let's just focus on getting to the fish traps."

Nick grumbles. "You're always on my case."

"Because you need to step up," Pete counters.

Nick starts to storm off, with Pete shouting after him, "Again, Nick?!"

"I know where I'm going!" Nick hollers back.

Pete takes a deep breath. "That buck? I found it later that season. Nick didn't speak to me for weeks after. Sometimes, doing the hard thing is the right thing."

Clementine nods. "He'll get over it."

Y/N adds, "Family's complicated. But in the end, they're still family."

A hint of a smile appears on Pete's face. "Thanks, you two."

Suddenly, a desperate cry breaks the peaceful atmosphere.

"Uncle Pete!" Nick yells.

Without a second thought, Clementine, Y/N, and Pete race toward Nick's voice.

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