Chapter 10: I Know What You're Scared Of

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Clementine observes a moth perched on a tree in the forest, its wings gently fluttering. As she extends her hand toward it, the moth takes flight and vanishes into the greenery.

The Caucasian man in his late 20s to early 30s with light brown hair, who later learned his name was Troy, with an impatient tone, calls out, "You about done over there?"

With a hint of gratitude, Sarah responds, "Yeah, one second! Thanks for coming with me. It's scary out here. I know they made you... It's still nice that you came."

"We're friends," Clementine asserts, her voice steady. "Friends look out for one another."

Sarah, a touch of innocence in her voice, remarks, "We are, aren't we? Well, if you need to pee, let me know. I'll keep a lookout for you, too."

Clementine, slightly awkward, replies, "Uh... okay."

As Clementine and Sarah make their way back to the truck, Y/N strides past them, heading towards the trees to relieve himself. Troy, noticing him, commands, "Hurry up, boy." Then, seeing the girls return, he asks casually, "Everything come out alright, girls?"

The girls shoot Troy a look of disdain.

Carver orders, "Troy. Get 'em tied up."

Troy complies, "Will do."

Over the radio, Carver communicates, "Well, we're on our way, probably thirty minutes out. Make sure everyone's prepped. Emotions might be running high." He signs off, "Carver out."

Troy reaches for Sarah, taking her hand to tie her up.

Carver warns, "If I find out you've been wasting fuel to keep that fuckin' heater going, I'll make you walk back."

"Nope. Froze my ass off... just like you told me to," Troy responds.

Eavesdropping on Carver's conversation, Clementine sharply rebukes him: "It ain't polite to listen to other folks' conversations. Has anyone ever taught you that? Where's your manners?"

Clementine remains silent, her gaze fixed on Carver, who responds with a harsh slap.

Clementine remains silent, her gaze fixed on Carver, who responds with a harsh slap

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Y/N, having finished, rushes over to Clementine, shouting, "No!"

Sarah cries out, "No, stop! Don't hit my friend!"

As Y/N tries to charge at Carver, Troy quickly restrains him in a headlock, overpowering the young boy.

Carver, confronting the defiant Y/N, sneers, "You got some fire in you, boy, but you don't want to test me. I'll pass every time."

"Leave them alone!" Sarah demands.

"Time them up and throw 'em in with the rest of 'em," Carver commands.

Bonnie extends a hand and helps Clementine and Y/N to their feet. Troy ties their hands and directs them towards the truck, "In."

They join the others inside the truck, where they find Carlos, his broken fingers now splinted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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