Chapter 100

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On April 3rd, Tianhuan's players collectively made their way out to Glacier City.

Their first Group B match had also been scheduled to take place in Glacier City. At that time, it was still winter there. The whole city had been decorated with outdoor ice sculptures, and snow had fallen heavily on the day of their match.

Now, it was already April. A warm spring and blooming flowers had spread across the city. New leaves were sprouting on the trees lining the streets. The city seemed to be coming back to life.

Every time he traveled to another city for a game, Cheng Xing had to excitedly take pictures and videos. Ye Shaoyang didn't have any interest in the sights that passed outside their car window. He sat in his seat and nearly dozed off.

He rested until their car reached the hotel, at which point Chi Shuo whispered in his ear, “We're here. Wake up.”

Ye Shaoyang blearily rubbed his eyes to wake himself up. Chi Shuo helped him grab his backpack from the luggage rack. He slung the backpack over his shoulder before Ye Shaoyang climbed to his feet and followed him out of the car.

When they traveled for away games, they only ever stayed at their destination for two or three days. They packed very light, only taking a change of clothes, pajamas, and some basic necessities with them. This time, they'd also packed their new keyboards and mice.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't be bothered to lug around a suitcase. Every time he traveled, he just packed everything into a backpack.

Chi Shuo often took the initiative to help him carry his things. Ye Shaoyang assumed this was just what a captain did to help their teammates, so he didn't give much thought to Chi Shuo's 'assistance'.

The team trooped into the hotel. Just as they were checking in at the front desk, they heard a bright burst of laughter from nearby.

“Chi Shuo, what a coincidence. You guys just arrived too?”

It was Team Yueying's captain, Xu Zhuo.

Chi Shuo turned around and saw the members of Team Yueying coming in with their luggage.

Xu Zhuo was walking at the head of the pack. He swiftly approached Chi Shuo and gave Chi Shuo a hug.

The two captains were old friends, but their other teammates weren't actually all that familiar with one another. They just waved politely from afar.

Ye Shaoyang cast his gaze upon Xie Weiyu, and the other party just so happened to be looking at him as well. Their eyes met, and Xie Weiyu flashed a slight smile at him. He took the initiative to offer his hand to Ye Shaoyang as he said, “Hello, Lieyang.”

Ye Shaoyang shook his hand. “Hello.”

This was Ye Shaoyang's first time meeting Xie Weiyu in person. Xie Weiyu was a male beta, and he was actually a lot more attractive than he looked in his official promo photos. His facial features were rather warm and gentle, giving off the sense that he was very polite. He seemed to have a rather reserved disposition as well. After shaking hands with Ye Shaoyang, he didn't say another word before quietly going to stand behind his teammates.

Team Yaoguang had traded him away and replaced him with a new marksman… mostly because they thought Xie Weiyu wasn't the type of person who could get famous, right?

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