Chapter 174

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     The next day, the finals of the S10 World Invitational were held as scheduled at the Seoul Esports Stadium. Cui He and Pu Yuxi defeated the European mid-laner duo and won the duos.

The fans at the venue were so excited that their screams almost blew the roof off.

The Korean media reporters were also very excited. They praised Choi He and Pak Won Seok to the skies during the interview. The media's articles were all exaggerated and eye-catching titles such as "The World's Number One Jungler" and "The Birth of the World's Strongest Duo".

Ye Shaoyang had expected these two to win the championship. After all, there was no other duo that could compete with them in this year's duos. After ATB's mid-laner won the championship, the Korean fans turned their attention to Han Chengyu, who was on the last day of the competition. They all went to Han Chengyu's personal social media page to cheer him on.

"His teammate has already won the duos. Chengyu, do your best to win the individual competition!"

"Watch out for Chengyu. That Lieyang is definitely not your match!"

"Beat that Omega with 20 points. Let him know the difference in strength between different regions ~"

"Can an Omega even reach the heavens?"

"A squishy mid-laner against a Warrior. There's no way he can win. Do your best! "

Lieyang could not win.

The Korean netizens all thought so.

Even the Chinese fans thought that it would be difficult to win the championship. They all encouraged, "Play well. We'll support you no matter the result!" "You're already very good to be in the finals. Don't give yourself too much pressure. Second place is not bad either."

On the last day of the World Invitational, the finals between ATB's Han Chengyu and Tianheng Lieyang would be held at the Seoul Esports Stadium at 7pm. Before the competition even started, the pre-competition prediction channel showed overwhelming numbers. 80% of people supported Han Chengyu to win, while only 20% supported Tianheng Lieyang.

As the host country of this year's World Invitational was Korea, Han Chengyu's popularity was definitely higher than Ye Shaoyang's. With the home advantage, it was reasonable for him to receive such high support.

The huge 82-point difference was like a heavy boulder weighing down on their heads.

The Chinese delegation did not dare to tell Ye Shaoyang this result.

Ye Shaoyang was rather magnanimous. While he was waiting in the preparation room before the match, he used Chi Shuo's phone to glance at the support rate. He smiled and said, "82%, is it that exaggerated? If you bet on me, the odds are seven to eight times. You can get rich overnight. "

Chi Shuo said gently, "I've already bet all my coins on you."

When Chairman Qiu heard their conversation, he hesitated for a moment before walking over to Ye Shaoyang and saying, "Han Chengyu is very popular in Korea. Today, the stadium is filled with his fans. You're in the arena, so remember to wear your headphones. Don't be affected by their cheering. Fight well. "

Ye Shaoyang smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, Chairman."

The home field advantage was all about timing, location, and people. The stadium was filled with Han Chengyu's fans, and the cheers were getting louder and louder. Sometimes, the cheers made the contestants perform better than usual. On the other hand, in Ye Shaoyang's match, if he did well, no one would applaud. If he didn't, there would be boos from the audience. The psychological pressure was immense.

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