Chapter 113

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• A Different Strategy

At 7 p.m, the last match of Group A officially started.

“Good evening to all our viewers here, welcome to the Ya'an Esports Center! This is the live venue of the second round and fifth week of the regular season in the Official Gods War Pro League. The match between Tianhuan and Luoshendian would decide the final ranking in Group A!”

“Moving on, let us introduce the players on both teams…”

The two commentators quickly introduced everyone.

In the soundproofed room, everyone made use of the time they had to set up their computer. Coach Lin was standing behind everyone with a notebook in his hand.

All the players in Tianhuan didn't look the slightest bit nervous and even Cheng Xing who usually had a tense look on his face during matches also smiled in a relaxed manner. They already won four matches so even if they lost this time, they would still be promoted. Thus, the players felt no pressure at all.

“Both teams are ready, let's start the picks and bans stage of the first round!”

The game interface appeared on the big screens. Luoshendian was randomly assigned to play as the blue team in the first round and received the first ban.

Their first ban went straight to the Blessed Priest. This support was a part of Tianhuan's tactic used to create a difference in speed, as well as being the key to their team comp with a highly mobile Illusionist. Banning him would be equivalent to throwing away two of Tianhuan's comps.

Coach Lin countered by banning a support, the Radiant Shield. The opponent team followed up by sealing the Abyssal Lord away. Coach Lin then banned another support, the Six-Winged Angel. The Six-Winged Angel was a support with hard control skills that can use seal to cause a player to be rooted to their spot without being able to move around.

“In this season, Tianhuan would usually ban supports in the first phase of picks and bans to alleviate the pressure on the bottom lane. In contrast, other teams would no longer continuously ban jungle heroes when playing against Tianhuan now.”

“That's right. When everyone played against Tianhuan in the past, they would only ban the jungle heroes in a frenzy. However, they started targeting the support, mid laner, and top laner in this season… because everyone realized that it isn't possible to ban all the jungle heroes. Shuoyue would still be able to let the mid laner develop steadily when playing a support jungler. Once a kill-oriented assassin mage like the Abyssal Lord developed fully, they would be unstoppable!”

“Let us look at the first pick both sides had decided on.”

Luoshendian chose the Black Dragon Knight for the top laner. This was the practice known as 'using picks to replace bans'. Qin Yizhu, didn't you like this hero very much? I won't ban it but if I take it first, you still won't be able to take it all the same.

When it was Tianhuan's turn, the first and second pick directly took the Wind Nymph for marksman and Spirit of the Deer for support.

Both commentators looked at each other in surprise. “They actually took this pair!”

“The Spirit of the Deer is a very fragile support, but his ability to protect his allies is extremely strong. He can jump on his teammates and grant them an immunity shield.”

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