Chapter 156

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     On July 14th, the voting for Season 10 All Stars officially ended. The Alliance carefully checked the votes and after ensuring that no one had maliciously manipulated the votes, they finally announced the list of All Stars.

Three members of Northern Shepherd were chosen: Zhao Xinan, Zhao Xinping, and Xiao En. All three of them were in the top ten in terms of popularity. Northern Shepherd had a lot of fans, so it was expected that the three of them would be voted into All Stars.

Jing Zhe's Fang Zhengqing, Xie Yuan, and Li Yunmo were also chosen. Among them, Fang Fang and Yuan Yuan were veteran Gods and had a lot of die-hard fans. Almost every year, they would appear in All Stars. Li Yunmo was one of the Alliance's first line supports, so he had a certain amount of popularity. It was normal for him to be chosen.

Tianhuan Squad's fans were very supportive. They voted Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang into the top five. On the last day, they voted together and voted Qujiang into All Stars.

Although Cheng Xing and Old Qin didn't make it into All Stars, Little Xing was still a rookie and had many opportunities in the future. Old Qin had always been a Buddhist, so he helped pull votes for Qujiang on Weibo. He urged everyone to vote for Qujiang, so the fans didn't vote for him.

Apart from that, Ice Soul's captain Chen Qianhua, Fire Spirit's captain Zhou Jiawen, and jungler Ah Yan, Yueying's top laner Xu Zhuo, and archer Xie Weiyu, as well as Group A's first place, Luo Shen Temple's captain Liu Luo, were also chosen.

On the night of the 14th, the Alliance personally called all the players who had made it into All Stars and invited them into the God Wars S10 All Stars group chat.

When all 15 of them were present, the Alliance's staff made a few announcements in the group chat —

"Hello Gods, I'm Xiaoru, the person in charge of this year's All Stars. The Alliance has arranged a hotel for this year's All Stars at Hua Xing Hotel. Please report to the front desk before 3pm on July 16th. On July 16th, at 5: 30pm, we have arranged a welcome dinner for everyone at the restaurant on the third floor of the hotel. After dinner, we need to arrive at the venue on time at 7: 30pm. At 8pm sharp, All Stars will officially begin. "

"We need to be clean and tidy. No shorts or slippers. We're E-Sports players, so there's no need to wear suits to play games. Everyone can be more casual. This year's All-Stars would last for three days. All they needed to bring was a change of clothes for three days. Food and accommodation would be provided by the Alliance. If you're coming from out of town, please contact me in advance and tell me the flight number or high-speed rail number. I'll send someone to pick you up. "

In the blink of an eye, there were more than ten messages in the group: "Got it."

Zhao Xinan said, "Our flight is on the afternoon of the 15th, TC 76893."

Fang Zhengqing: "We'll be arriving at 8 pm tomorrow. Please arrange for us to be picked up at the airport. Thank you."

The group started to calculate everyone's arrival time and flight number.

The Tianhuan Squad's base was in Imperial Capital, and it was not too far from the hotel. They could go there on the afternoon of the 16th.

At noon on the 16th, Chi Shuo and the other two had a casual lunch in the cafeteria. Tang Can, the team leader, took the initiative to ask, "Do you need me to send a car to take you there?" Chi Shuo said, "No need to trouble Sister Tang. I'll drive myself."

He had a private car parked in the Tianhuan base's parking lot. Normally, he would drive himself out if he had personal matters to attend to. There were only three of them in this year's All-Stars, so there was no need to trouble the team to send a car to pick them up.

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