Chapter 101

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The game was about to begin. Both commentators spoke very excitedly as they watched.

“Friends of the audience, the prediction site for this round has already gone live. Everyone can check in on all major streaming platforms to guess the outcome!”

The digital currency earned from the prediction site could be exchanged for in-game skins and game merchandise, so many regular viewers of the league were very passionate about making their predictions. Sometimes, when they guessed the outcome correctly, they could rake in a ton of prediction currency. Of course, there were also those whose accounts would be zeroed out after wrong guesses.

For today's games, the prediction site listed Tianhuan and Yueying as having approximately the same chances of winning.

[I'm going to bet a hundred thousand coins on Tianhuan. I've bet the house on this, so Tianhuan—you'd better not lose!]

[I'll put fifty thousand on Tianhuan and fifty thousand on Yueying. Do you guys think I'll win or lose? ^_^]

[You guys have so many coins. I was cleaned out in the last match. I only have two hundred coins that I randomly scraped up!]

While netizens discussed their predictions and bets, the game loaded up on the big screens. A commentator announced, “The game is about to start. Let's all show both teams our support once more!”

A thunderous, ear-splitting roar of cheers went through the stadium.

The game finished loading. Tianhuan's five players instantly split up, each making their way to their designated lane.

After the game's last major update, each team had 90 seconds before the first buffs and minions spawned. During this time, five players could group up and target one specific lane, or they could each stay in their own lane and keep an eye on the enemy team's movements. The support would put down the team's first ward, which would increase the team's visibility of the map; the positioning of this ward was extremely important. If it was placed in the upper half of the jungle, it would help protect the top laner and mid laner. If it was placed in the lower half of the jungle, it could prevent the enemy from ganking their marksman.

Qu Jiang was in the habit of using his first ward to protect Cheng Xing. He placed it in the woods in their own lower jungle.

In the middle lane, Ye Shaoyang established visibility for himself by the left side of the river. This allowed him to protect Chi Shuo's blue buff, because it would allow him to know right away if the enemy came to steal their blue.

Chi Shuo opened this round by going after their own blue buff.

Yueying didn't choose to invade Tianhuan's jungle. Their lineup wasn't too strong in Level 1 fights, so both teams chose to develop peacefully for now.

Chi Shuo wasn't playing a support jungler in this game. He needed to swiftly reach Level 6 and learn his ult. So, he didn't give Ye Shaoyang the first blue buff. He took it for himself.

As for Yueying, their jungler—the Brawler—left the first red buff for their top laner.

In this round, Yueying was the red team. Their red buff spawned in the top half of their jungle, closer to their top lane. After Xu Zhuo took the red buff, he reached Level 2. When he faced off against the Level 1 Qin Yizhu, he very easily pressured Qin Yizhu back under Tianhuan's tower.

However, Old Qin had chosen a very tanky hero. Xu Zhuo couldn't kill him.

In the bottom lane, Xie Weiyu played very cautiously. He moved quickly, and he farmed creeps very precisely. He cleared minions while hiding behind his own support. Once the first wave of minions was cleared, the two bottom lane duos started to fight over the crab monster that had spawned by the river.

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