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Ayaka had just finished delicately placing the grilled eel coated with her special sauce on top of a bowl of fragrant rice; preparing the side dishes of spinach salad, steaming miso soup and pickled veggies and ginger in the small traditional saucers, she clapped her small hands in satisfaction. Resting the food with spoon and chopsticks on a bamboo tray, she carried it carefully to the dining table which was set up with an elegant tablecloth.

Right on time, she heard a soft knock on the door. She had invited Zhongli over for dinner during his visit to Inazuma. Ayaka opened the sliding door to usher Zhongli inside with a warm smile and glinting sapphire eyes. "Come and eat before it gets cold. This is a traditional Japanese dish called Unagi. I sincerely hope it is to your taste."

Morax's dark brown hair that was styled in a windswept fashion with a longer fringe that hangs from the right side of his attractive face was now loose and cascading beyond his waist. He wore trousers and a dress shirt that was partly unbuttoned, and he seemed to have just showered. There was a succulent aroma coming from the kitchen as Ayaka returned and ushered him towards it keenly.

"I think anything would be to my tas–" He was astonished by the arrangements that she had made in such a short time that it rendered him speechless. The ambiance was perfect and the presentation was immaculate. "This is amazing. You are amazing, sweetheart."

He lifted her hand and placed a lingering kiss on her wrist of gratitude. "You are a princess, and yet you would do such a menial task for me. Thank you. I want you to know how much I appreciate it and you."

Ayaka's azure eyes widened as they settled on Zhongli's figure; the brilliant twilight sun shone through the window and caressed his golden irises and tawny skin like a god. Her gaze lingered on his open collar which revealed faint battle scars across his chest which somehow only made him more handsome. She had never seen his elegant ponytail loose before, and it gave him an wild and free aura that was irresistible.

Gasping softly and realizing her rudeness to stare, she tore her eyes away and sat carefully at the table near him. "Excuse me. Ah... I wanted to thank you for coming all this way to see me, Zhongli. It must have been a long journey on the sea." The Frostflake Heron Princess smiled demurely, "It brings me immense joy to have you here. I wish..." Suddenly catching herself, she shook her head and gestured with her small hand. "Nevermind, how greedy of me. You flatter me, darling. You haven't even tried the food yet."

"Your heart is as pure as crystalized ice. Just like the splendid colors reflected on the spinning ice crystals in the winter air, such is your spirit, my lady," the ex-archon complimented her genuinely. Her reaction to his casual and uninhibited appearance was like a timid little cerulean-eyed bunny that was caught red-handed. He found her shyness adorable and offered her a reassuring smile to set her nerves at ease.

"Yes, it was a long and tedious journey indeed, but I would like to believe that some things are worth it, and I am not referring to this scrumptious food only." Diamond shaped amber hues held her bashful stare intensely to place emphasis on his remark and stir her latent desire. Shortly thereafter, he murmured a prayer of thanksgiving and scooped up a generous portion of the miso soup with the immaculately polished silver blowing the steaming vapors away slowly and sipping quietly. "Hm-mm-hmm. Pardon my outburst, but this is so very delicious, Ayaka."

The way he looked at her made her heart skip a beat. "I am relieved that you like it. I had to treat you otherwise you may end up at a restaurant bill and realize you didn't bring any mora," the petite princess teased gently, unable to resist. It was a rare, playful side of her that she only displayed in private.

Zhongli was in the process of delivering a wedge of grilled eel to his mouth when it slipped from his chopsticks as she mentioned his dire financial straits. He picked it back up confidently from his bowl and placed it gently inside hers so that she could eat more comfortably without having to maneuver across the table. "I agree. You have saved me the embarrassment of putting my incidentals on Tartaglia's tab. I owe you a debt of gratitude, my lady. Has the infamy of this Bourgeoisie reached your ears even in Inazuma? My notoriety precedes me." He chuckled. "Yaka-chan, I would like to hear what your wish is. Do you not realize that whatever is important to you is also significant to me? Please, go ahead, and be greedy because I have told you before: Only you have this privilege, so take advantage of it or someone else might."

Ayaka hesitated a moment, pondering how to express her feelings as it was not her forte. "If you insist, I was going to say that...I wish you could stay here with me and didn't have to go back to Liyue. Or even...that you lived here too."

Immediately horrified by her selfish desires and dreams, Ayaka muttered quickly: "Don't mind me, Zhongli. I understand that Liyue is your homeland. I could never ask so much of you."

Zhongli listened to her animated voice and ardent desire. After several moments, the ex-archon dabbed on his lower lip elegantly with a napkin. "Before I give you an answer, Yaka-chan, would you do me the honor of taking a walk with me? If so, let us go when you are full and relaxed. I have a question of my own to ask of you before I elaborate on your request."

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