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Ayato had decided to pick up his order from Komore Teahouse personally on his day off. He held a parcel of Sakura Mochi that he had asked Uyuu restaurant to prepare for him with care. It was a surprise for his sibling whom he had rarely seen since returning to Inazuma. He greeted Taroumaru politely at the Teahouse entrance and entered after the shiba. He was in the process of thanking Taroumaru when his violet-blue eyes caught a glimpse of the spectacle before them which rendered him speechless like Michael Jackson. The parcel fell from his grasp with a heavy thud.

Ayaka was still in the middle of swooning from her fiancé's zealous kiss when a noise from behind startled her. To her dismay, she found her brother standing at the door. Ayato knelt and retrieved the parcel calmly while regaining his composure. When he stood, he offered a smile that could light up a dark room. "What a wonderful surprise. Did we interrupt? I apologize."

Although his face gave nothing away, his sister knew he had seen the lovey dovey scene. She quickly withdrew, bumping into a chair in the process. "Ah... Onii-sama, I did not expect you to be here so early. Taroumaru, it is good to see you. I should be apologizing. I did not envision you would meet this way. This is my fiancé, Zhongli."

When the warmth of his adorable fiancée left his arms Zhongli wanted to protest aloud, but the commotion behind her caught his vigilant amber eyes. Zhongli stood and met the Hydro wielder's hooded violet-blue eyes. He placed his strong arm at the small of Ayaka's back and held her tiny waist to visibly support her balance as he nodded his head politely towards her sibling with a polite smile. "Ayato, it is pleasure to finally meet you. I am Morax, although I go by Zhongli these days." There was a striking resemblance between the siblings that one could not miss. Looking back at Ayato was like staring at the male version of his beloved shrouded in a mysterious aura. He waited patiently for his soon-to-be brother-in-law's response as his fingers rubbed the side of Ayaka's hip gently to ease her anxiousness.

Ayato inclined his head respectfully back at the former Archon of Liyue. His tone was beguiling. "The pleasure is mine. It must have been difficult to relocate from your beloved Liyue; but my sister can be very persuasive, can she not?" His mirthless eyes flickered to his sibling's face briefly before returning to her fiancé's as he addressed him with nonchalance: "Do you work here, Zhongli? Or are you still unemployed and dependent on that Fatui scrub for coins?"

Ayaka observed the two men's courteous exchange which carried a level of cool challenge. The tangible tension could have been sliced with a knife especially when her brother inserted a cutting jibe. She knew Ayato could be overbearing in public affairs as a result of his heavy responsibilities to the Commission. He had a very strong and clever personality, and he always had to have his guard up which often made him seem aloof to strangers. However, she did not expect his forthright attitude at this moment. She quickly shot Ayato a chiding look before clearing her throat decidedly. "Since you just met and you've only returned to Inazuma recently, Ayato, why don't we have a seat over there? There doesn't seem to be any customers currently." Ayaka gestured to a table nearby in an attempt to ease the frigid atmosphere.

Unperturbed, Ayato nodded as they relocated. He took the opportunity to push the Sakura Mochi parcel toward his sister with a good-natured smile. "I was at Uyuu restaurant recently and decided to get you a treat. It's a form of apology for my abrupt departure the other day."

Zhongli flashed a smirk at his fiancée's brother. "Yes, I work at the Teahouse now and thanks to Inazuma's economy, I am also emancipated from that Fatui scrub. Isn't it amazing how Celestia works in mysterious ways? Lunch is on me." He pulled out a chair for Ayaka before sitting down beside her with his arms crossed on his chest casually. There was practically electricity crackling in their line of sight toward each other. When her fiancé mentioned Ayato's relationship status deliberately, Ayaka rubbed her temple exasperatedly, feeling increasingly awkward. Thankfully, her brother's interjection with the Sakura Mochi saved her from mustering a reply. "Since we are on the topic of new beginnings. Isn't it time for you to settle down and marry? Over the years you have not shown much interest in the beauties of Teyvat. Wouldn't you agree, Yaka?"

Ayato reclined in his chair and met Zhongli's eyes calmly. "Is there any beauty in particular that you would recommend, Zhongli? I did run into the Shogun recently, and she was quite fetching." His tone was deliberate.

A muscle in Zhongli's jaw tensed visibly at Ayato's mention of Raiden Ei. He was about to reply when Ayaka interjected, "I do not believe that would be appropriate, Ayato." Her face darkened for a split second.

Zhonglii did not miss his fiancée's displeased expression, with her lips pressed in a thin line. He stood up and excused himself briefly as Taroumaru handed him the boba he had made earlier and told him that it was for Ayato. Placing the drink before Ayato, the ex-archon flashed a crafty smile. "I see that you enjoy my signature blend. Maybe I should prepare you another for the road?"

The revelation of who has been making his favorite drink all along set Ayato's lips in a thin line, which he dissolved into a jovial smile as he stood up. "I admit that it is very addictive, but I will take this one to go. Maybe next time I'll accept your offer. Oh, before I forget–" He pushed a designer wallet toward Zhongli. "An engagement gift. Try not to lose it. It would be a shame." He chuckled snidely. Nodding respectfully to his sibling, he departed from the Teahouse.

After her brother left, Ayaka sighed deeply and buried her face inside her small palms despondently, grumbling inaudibly. "What...just happened?" She turned to Zhongli with a rueful smile. "I apologize, baby. Ayato seems to be in a bad mood lately. He is not usually like this. Are you alright?"

Zhongli walked over to massage her small shoulders. "I am fine. I also know that this meeting would not be easy for us because your brother is overprotective. He's not fond of me, but it is to be expected. I guess it is not easy to trust another man to protect his precious sister. He performed little chopping motions horizontally across her back like a professional.

Ayaka relaxed visibly under Zhongli's attentive hands that worked magic on her tense shoulders, closing her eyes momentarily. "You are probably right. He rarely sees me associate closely with anyone, and I suppose he is not used to the idea of me getting engaged. He will come around, I am sure."

Zhongli's skillful fingers massaged their way up to her nape as he planted several soft kisses there with his cool lips. He rotated her neck clockwise and anticlockwise slowly. He could feel her surrendering to his blissful touch. "He will surely get over whatever has befallen him as of late. If I didn't know better, I would think that he is suffering from heartache. That's all speculation on my part though. What are your thoughts, love?"

Ayaka leaned into her fiancé's divine touch, and when he finished, she lifted his hand and brushed her smooth lips along his knuckles with gratitude and affection. "I didn't know you were such an amazing masseur, sweetheart." She blinked, surprised and puzzled by his musing. "Heartache? What for? I do not know of any lover that could cause this. I was thinking that he is upset because he didn't hear the news until recently. We would always do everything together since we were young. Or it is possible he wants to know if he can trust you. Sometimes it's a habit from his duties," The princess mused thoughtfully, yet her gaze clouded with worry.

"We don't know who he met on his journey across Teyvat, love. You both did everything together as children, but you are both adults now. During this transition people change. You are a walking testament to that. You are no longer the shy and introverted young princess he protected. You have become a confident social butterfly in his absence. A force to be reckoned with in Inazuma." He tipped her chin up and pressed a lingering kiss on her lips while caressing her delicate cheek with the palm of his hand affectionately. "I am sure your brother will be okay, so don't worry your pretty little head, sweetheart. He's the Pillar of Fortitude, remember? It's time I got back to work. I'll see you later, Yaka-chan." He brushed the edge of her mouth with his and kissed her forehead lovingly before leaving reluctantly.

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