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As someone who loved to travel, Zhongli had been exploring every corner of Inazuma since his arrival. Turning the corner of the main street in Inazuma City, a sweet, mouthwatering aroma hit his nostrils. The vendor at a nearby food stand was selling some peculiar colorful skewers that he had never seen before. Zhongli was about to investigate the foreign dessert when he caught sight of a familiar violet-haired figure heading toward the stand.

Ei smiled warmly at Mr. Tomoki, the owner of her favorite dango shop. "Could I have the usual, please?" The man greeted the Raiden Shogun of Inazuma respectfully and instantly began to prepare her order.

"I will have the same. Thank you."

A deep, magnetic voice arose from behind her. It jolted through her like electricity. No way.

Ei whirled around to see Morax standing in a dark umber blazer and fitted pants. The sunlight glinted off his signature tassel earring as he gazed at her stoically, the ghost of a smile beginning to appear on his mysterious face. He looked just the same as he did years ago when had dined together once and reminisced about the comrades they had lost in the Archon Wars. Majestic. Striking. Respectable.

"Morax... This is a surprise. What are you doing here?" Ei spoke lightheartedly, concealing the tumultuous emotions that rekindled in her stomach. Goddammit. She thought she had buried the past that had haunted her the last few years.

Zhongli accepted both their orders from Mr. Tomoki after paying, handing one of the paper bags to her. "You betray nothing of yourself as always, Ei. Are you that displeased to see me?"

"Thank you. And no... It's just been awhile, that's all. You look well," she responded stiffly. Her hand tightened on the paper bag of dangos. "I hear that you have retired as Rex Lapis."

"Yes, and I heard that your pursuit of eternity is as determined as ever now. I would be interested to witness your vision come to fruition. You should tell me about it sometime. So, are you going to tell me what this is?" Morax gestured to the bag.

"Oh, yes. It is dango milk and three skewers of assorted dangos. It is actually my favorite treat," Ei replied, cracking a smile. She ate a tricolor dango slowly, savoring the chewy texture. "Try one."

When Morax bit into his dango and chewed contemplatively, Ei's gaze lingered upon his tempting lips for longer than a second. The Geo Archon didn't notice, or he pretended not to. The two archons strolled through the narrow crossroads, enjoying the ambiance of the night and chatting quietly. The streets were almost empty now as the sky approached dusk.

She was terrified that he would vanish again. Just like he did the last time they met.

Suddenly, her hand moved of its own accord, yanking Morax by the wrist and into an adjacent alley. She slammed him against the wall, pinning him there with her supernatural strength. Ei's impulsivity shocked even herself, but she didn't relent. She was never one to relinquish something that she wanted—and to hell with the consequences.

Morax's eyes widened in disbelief. Never in his wildest dreams would he have predicted this ultimate unraveling of the Electro Archon. They were so close now that Ei's mind was in a frenzy, and her heart hammered against her ribs. She leaned toward his lips, stopping just short of them. "You want to know what my idea of eternity is? It is a paradise devoid of suffering and chaos that assault human life like the never-ending waves of the ocean. No more death to take away our loved ones. No more fear of the erosion of time. True eternity can only be found in the stillness that manifests itself when all noise is stripped away. One day, the world will be mine. No one will be able to escape it...not even you, Morax."

Her eyes glowed now with a fiery purple. She ran her fingers along Zhongli's jawline, just grazing his lips. He could feel the tremors of excitement and desire in her touch, her voluptuous breasts pressed against his chest. "For thousands of years as the Shogun, there were only two things I could never grasp no matter how hard I tried. One is time, and the other is...you. You were always beautiful yet unreachable because the only thing that filled your heart was Liyue. I hated you for it." Her voice trembled faintly, and he could tell that she was on the brink of hysteria as years of suppressed emotions burst forth altogether. "You lifted me up when my family and friends perished. You even taught me how to dance. Remember? Those memories... They meant nothing to you?"

"That was a long time ago, Ei. Unhand me now." Warning flashed inside Zhongli's eyes.

As if she didn't hear him, the Electro Archon cried emotionally, her tone rising into a shriek. "You left! As if nothing mattered. I wanted you to be part of my forever!"

"Ei, that's enou–" Before Morax could finish, her lips crashed into his.

The rest of the world fell away as she tasted the delicious flavor of the dango and Morax's lips in the same exquisite moment. The shadows of her beautiful face were soft, and her violet tendrils brushed his cheek. He could smell the same lavender perfume that she wore when she danced in his arms at the grand ball in Inazuma several years ago. Their kiss intensified slowly, and she clung to him like the only solid thing in a dizzying, swaying Inazuma.

Suddenly, the hair on the back of his nape stood on end when he felt an arctic chill sweep through the alleyway. He would know that presence anywhere.

Ayaka appeared at the entrance of the alley in an icy whirlwind like an angel of death. She had been passing by on her way to the Estate when she heard the shogun's impassioned shriek. What she then overheard shook her to her very bones. The temperature of a mile radius plunged below zero instantly from her wrath at the scandalous scene.

Before Zhongli could utter a word, Ayaka had already shoved a flabbergasted Ei to the side. The Frostflake Heron Princess hissed mirthlessly, "How dare you? I don't care if you were the shogun or a god but if you think you can slobber all over my man, you're sorely mistaken. You always try to take everything by force, Shogun, but it's not like I expected you to change. Get away from him. Now."

Zhongli moved with great speed before the situation could escalate any further. He stepped between the women and peered down at Ayaka, speaking calmly, "I understand that you are very furious, and you have every right to be, but I am also at fault in this scandalous affair. If you need to vent your anger any further, I will take full responsibility right now. However, I will suggest that you let Ei leave without further incident so that we may discuss this in private."

Ayaka flinched and stepped back as if struck by a painful bolt of lightning as Morax glared down at her as if she were a feral animal that bit someone she wasn't supposed to. Her breathtaking features were clouded in anger, and a deep hurt flashed across her crystal blues. She did not even notice as Ei stormed off at Morax's scathing look.

With a flick of her wrist, Ayaka delivered a vicious backhand across Zhongli's cheek. The fuming princess watched his face whip to the side and a scarlet handprint bloom across his cheek as she cried vehemently. "Vent my anger?! Don't talk to me like I am a child throwing an unnecessary tantrum." Her entire frame shook violently. She whirled around and strode away so he would not see her dark and emotional eyes. "Maybe I should have been the one to leave since you were enjoying it so much."

Zhongli probably had no idea that his scolding tone had set her heart racing—and not in fright. The archon stepped closer to his woman, parting his lips to speak, but before he could utter anything, her hand connected with his face. The blow was so powerful that it dislocated his jaw, split open his bottom lip, and left a severe handprint on his face. Crimson blood slipped from the corner of his left ear slowly. There was an insistent deafening sound ringing in the back of his head and all around him that left him momentarily dazed and confused. He struggled to think and winced as Ayaka turned her back and stormed away. He didn't flinch at her cruel words. He accepted everything and every rebuke wholly. 

Crestfallen and feeling thoroughly chastised and humiliated, Zhongli turned away and started to walk in the opposite direction. No sooner had he turned the corner did a distinct cry of agony echoed off the alley wall as he relocated his fractured jaw by brute force. He slumped against the wall with his once illuminated amber eyes now as dark as midnight. He forced the words out from his numb lips. "I am sorry, Yaka-chan, if I have hurt you. I apologize for my scandalous behavior tonight, but I could never lay a hand on you, baby. Ever. My heart would not allow it, so I will be the one to leave tonight."

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