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Zhongli knew that Ayaka managed to hold her anger in for over a week because they have not had the opportunity to make love since they got married. He took her delicate hand after their warm bath together and led the way to their bedroom. She was about to protest further when he jerked her into his arms. His kiss was hot, hungry, and demanding. He could feel his innocent wife melting into him, sinking into his touch, seduced by the taste of him and how he commanded her with one touch. She pushed at his shoulders and bit his bottom lip in retaliation while muttering, "I'm supposed to be mad at you."

Zhongli simply swept her into his arms. His hands skimming along her body felt heavenly and with every touch her anger was replaced with desire. He thrusted his tongue into her mouth. "Forget the bed." He made a detour to the dining table kicking the chairs away aggressively and setting her on the edge. "The beast is out, love. I cannot hold myself back any further nor do I want to."

The corner of Ayaka's towel fell, exposing her creamy skin. Zhongli's penetrative, scorching gaze was drinking in every inch of her so intensely that her hand reached to cover her modesty. In her eyes, he discerned the shimmering insecurities which he would slay tonight. As he stepped between her knees, she whispered, "Then don't hold back, baby. I have never wanted anything less than your everything. So show me that you want me too."

It was like unwrapping a precious gift as Zhongli tugged the soft towel from her grasp. It should have been cold—from the wintry air that swept into the room—as Morax unraveled the towel from her curvaceous figure. Yet, all she felt was heat that ignited every fiber of her being when she was finally completely revealed to him. The thrill of experiencing such intimacy with the man that she loved made her head spin. She was straining toward him, except he kept her where she was. She loved and hated his strength—how he could control her, throw her around at will. Right now, it turned her on like madness. 

He pushed her down onto the table and held her there with one hand splayed on her flat stomach. This uninhibited style of sex was new to Ayaka, and she would quickly grow accustomed to it. To him. She had never known his rough abandon because he concealed it so meticulously before now. Although it was always prowling beneath the surface, occasionally rearing its head like when he kissed her on the sidewalk in Inazuma City.

Her heartbeat was a little harder the first moment he saw her completely. Glistening, wet, and exposed. He sat at the head of the table as if she were his feast. His shoulders kept her open to him, as he lifted her hip towards him.

When his tongue first grazed her, it drew a half-gasp, half-moan from her mouth. She was laid flat on the table now, as she succumbed to his will. The indecent sounds that escaped her shocked herself, but at the same time her slender legs curled across Zhongli's shoulders of their own accord as her body begged him for more desperately.

His lips covered every magnificent inch of his goddess as he kissed down the back of each thigh and back. When Zhongli bestowed his indelible kiss mark of sin between her thighs, Ayaka's back arched involuntarily off the table in ecstasy. At first, she attempted to muffle her groans, but one stroke of Zhongli's tongue and she was seeing stars. He was introducing her innocent body to a new realm of sexual fantasy. When he pressed a finger into her and suckled her clit like a leech, Ayaka's moans developed into obscene cries that the neighbors across the street heard loud and clear over their awkward dinner. Her fingers gripped the edge of the table so tightly her knuckles bleached white as pleasure shot through her like a searing arrow. All abandon was discarded in a drunken blur. They were both making guttural sounds now as she ground her hips into his face completely unhinged.

When the first orgasm of her life hit, it exploded all over his mouth messily, and yet Zhongli didn't stop. His tongue danced around like some wicked waltz responding to her gasps. He flicked his tongue across her pearl and inserted two eager fingers again into her slick center. Ayaka's hands twisted in his auburn hair, her legs clamping him in place. Her moans rose into a pleasure-filled shriek, and her walls tightened around his fingers until finally, her juices soaked his hand again. Licking his lips slowly, Zhongli spoke in a husky drawl, "I adore that messed up look on you, darling. I have had my appetizer. Now, your body is ready for the main course."

Leaning forward impulsively, Ayaka grabbed Zhongli and crushed her lips against his passionately. When she broke away, she peered down his chiseled nude body and basked in his majestic beauty. Zhongli kissed up her belly to her beautiful breasts. The poetry that he composed against her skin would render even Shakespeare envious.

Zhongli...make love to me.

‏‏Desire was as intense as a bubbling volcano. They both knew they could not bear to wait a second longer for their union. Finally, Zhongli entered her in one swift motion. A searing agony made Ayaka shriek in pain which prompted him to kiss her deeply. He cooed lovingly against her trembling lips, "My love, it will be alright, I promise. Trust me and I will give you more pleasure than you can ever imagine."

Ayaka tried to turn her tortured glistening eyes from him, but he pulled her chin back to him. She felt his comforting, warm lips sealing hers. She knew she would feel him on her body for weeks to come. When she lost her virginity to him, it also meant relinquishing the last shred of her previous life now that he had changed it completely after marrying her, and she was his utterly and completely.

Although his wife was shaking like a leaf under him, Zhongli could not stop now because he was determined to make love to her and turn those painful screams into cries of ecstasy as he promised. When he began to move inside her, the pain melted into an outworldly pleasure that made her toes curl. It was their first time together, yet they loved each other like it would be the last time. Bodies bumping against each other, hip smacking against hip. Zhongli was as hard as he had ever been and needed relief, but not just yet. He lost track of how many times his wife came, it seemed like one long, constant orgasm. With every thrust, their passion mounted feverishly. Her muscles choking him intimately were turning him into a ruthless beast. Zhongli's hips spasmed as he finally released inside of her, clutching her tightly and collapsing into her arms, breathless.

When they finally kissed in the darkness, soul met soul on their lips.

Hold me for a lifetime, for I belong to us forever.

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