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The night air was crisp and refreshing. Zhongli strolled alongside Ayaka as they made their way down the stone path toward Inazuma City. The princess was a vision of elegance, grace, and beauty that took his breath away. "Yaka, I believe it is time I answered your request, but before I do so, I would like to know just one thing. Why do you want me to leave Liyue and live in Inazuma? Your answer will determine mine, sweetheart."

Ayaka looked up in surprise. Regaining her composure, the princess considered carefully before answering. Her ice blue eyes held his demurely yet determinedly.

"Do you know that at night I often gaze into the ocean horizon hoping to glimpse Liyue? However, I am greeted by dark skies. Due to my duties here, I cannot see you in Liyue, but every moment without you is a knife in my heart and now that you are finally here... I don't want to let you go again." The youthful girl's cheeks dusted strawberry red once more. She was so used to concealing herself in consideration of others and her title that she had to force herself to continue.

"To the rest of the world, I am the respected and perfect Kamisato Ayaka the White Heron Princess of the Yashiro Commission who has everything. I have lived my whole life in this role, and sometimes I cannot find myself anymore. However, with you I am simply and freely Yaka. It is my selfish secret but you make me...happy." Clasping her hands tightly behind her back, she said, "Please, tell me your sincere answer. Wherever you go and whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you."

Zhongli listened attentively to the eloquent princess. He had noticed her subtle surprise which she was swift to recover from. His serpentine amber hues twinkled with admiration. The wit of this gorgeous woman was even more attractive to him than her appearance, although in that department Kamisato Ayaka was one in a million. She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had a burnished complexion. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. A set of dazzling, pearly white teeth gleamed as she enunciated her words. It was a pleasure to see her flowing, moon shadow-cerulean hair. Her enticing, constellation-blue eyes gazing at him over her puffy, heart-shaped lips. She had a bouncy personality and a sugary voice, which he adored. Not content to be just a caged nightingale but made for the open skies.

Ayaka's heart thumped so loudly in her chest that she was sure the vigilant man beside her could hear it. He was taking his time to reply as if he were thinking deeply. After a moment of silence, he stopped and turned toward her. Zhongli's magnetic eyes which glowed the color of the sun bore into her soul, but there was no anxiety, fear or discomfort in her mind because somehow his presence made her feel safe enough to open her heart. There was a faint huskiness in his tone, and she could feel his intelligent eyes on her longer than appropriate as he spoke in earnest. She sensed that his appreciative gaze passed over her like admiring an artistic masterpiece, and her breath caught in her throat. Even to this day, she could hardly believe that she could finally hold him like the moon that embraced the sun.

"I could not know these things without hearing it from your lips, Yaka-chan. However, I am honored by your sincerity which I imagine was very difficult for you to convey because of the status quo. Let me begin by saying that Liyue is not only my home; it is the essence of my soul as the former geo archon who created it. I know that you are aware of who and what I am to Liyue.

"So, I will cut to the chase, and simply say this: To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, well, you haven't lived a life at all, Yaka-chan. But you have to try, because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived. I think for the first time in forever you want to truly live. The people of Liyue, my people, are now strong enough to stand without Rex Lapis so if you will have me, Kamisato Ayaka—White Heron Princess of the Yashiro Commission—I will remain."

As he spoke, Ayaka nearly forgot to breathe from her anticipation. The dark haired man's final sentence sent a surge of elation through her chest so great she stifled a gasp. "Really...?!"

She reached over with all her courage and boldness to grip his hand in her soft palms and pressed her tantalizing lips against the back of his fingers reverently. She could not stop the wide smile that curled her mouth, and her beautiful eyes burned with emotion at his magnanimous decision.

"I am so happy right now that I am beyond words, baby. I know what Liyue means to you, and I am asking you of a great sacrifice. Yes... I have not lived my own life for a long time, but meeting you gives me the courage to grasp my own future and truly live, for we will never be here again."

You have shown me how it is to love, and I don't ever want to stop.

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