Chapter 11

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I wake up with a warm body pressed against mine. Drew is basically on top of me and I am struggling to breath. I laugh but begin to cough, struggling for air. This seems to wake him up and he rolls off of me immediately.
"Oh babe! I'm so so sorry!" He says and kisses my forehead, "that was silly of me."
I giggled and kiss his lips softly, "I'm fine."
Then I get up and walk into his kitchen. I look through his cupboard for cereal and see that he hasn't got any. So I look in the fridge to see if he has any bacon- no, of Corse not.
He has nothing at all for breakfast, so I decide that I am going to pop to Nate's, and speak to him. Also to knick some food.
It's 9am so he should be awake by the time that I get there.
I run to my suitcase and pull out a tight white crop-top, a tight knee-length skirt and my white vans. Then I pull out my brown, leather jacket.
After I'm dressed, I snatch my toothbrush and brush my teeth. Then I quickly brush my hair and I'm finished.
"Where are you off too?" Drew asks.
He walks out of the bedroom topless, his hair sticking upwards and sleep filling his eyes. Sexy.
"Just popping to Nate's, I need to speak to him quickly... And too knick his breakfast." I say, and grab my purse for the taxi.
"Do you want me to come?" He asks, sounding a little worried.
"No, no! Corse not, you just have a shower and be ready for when I get back!" I say, and kiss his cheek.
"Well, at least let me drive you?" He suggests.
"No, Drew! I'll be okay." I promise and then walk out the door before he can say anything else.

Luckily it only takes 10 minutes to get to Nate's in a car. It's only €5 for a taxi there.
I knock on the door three times and wait. The door swings open seconds later, revealing Nate's mother.
"Charlotte?" She pauses and looks me up and down, "Charlotte!"
Then she pulls me in for a tight hug. I giggle, and pull away, "Hiya, is Nate in?"
"No... sorry he's just popped over to Levi's to help him tidy up. Can I pass on a message?" She asks.
"No, no it's fine. I'll just... come round later. Bye, thank you." I say, and begin to walk away.
"Bye." she says and I hear the door slam behind me.

I find my self at the beach. The grey clouds threatening to let the rain go, but I don't care.
My feet find the sand and I chuck my shoes to the side. I wander over to the water and paddle.
Then the water falls from the sky; soaking me in an instant. But I don't care, Id rather be standing here in the rain thinking, then standing in front of Drew pretending that nothing's wrong.
Tonight will be a disaster. A date. Me and Drew, Nate and Cara, Austin and Georgia. Levi isn't coming because his twin, Logan, doesn't feel well at all.
A tear falls from my eye. I've made such a mess of thing. Why can't I just love one person? Why can I just love Drew? Not Nate.
A big gush of wind blows and knocks me off my feet. I tumble backwards, and luckily land on the sand, not in the water. I pull my self backwards and sit against the big rocks near the edge of the pier.
"Are you ok?" A voice echoes.
I look round to see Levi running underneath the pier, his hair wet, and flat, on his head. He waves for me to come over so I do, grabbing my shoes on the way.
"Charlotte? What are you doing here?" He asks, then stops when he sees the state of my eyes, "what's wrong?"
Then I begin to sob and he pulls me in for a friendly hug. We stay like this for a long time, because when I finally pull my head out from the comfort of his chest, the rain has stopped.
"Is it your nan? Is that why your upset? You miss her?" He asks, rubbing my shoulder with his thumb.
"Y-yeah," I lie,"its hard without her."
He sees right through me,
"Theirs something else, something your not telling me."
He sits down and ushers for me to sit opposite him, I do. Then he wraps his legs around me in a friendly jester.
"It's nothing really, Levi." I shake my head, "no big deal."
"It's a big deal if it's making you upset!"
I change the subject; "how's Logan?"
"He's fine now. So, what is it? If you think I'm going to go around shouting it to everyone on the street- then your wrong." he says, and caresses my cheek with his thumb.
"I know you wont, but it's really nothing, just hormones." I say, smiling. He sighs and nods.
"By the way, you really need to get me a girlfriend." He tuts, "you got Nate one."
"Well... erm... maybe you should ask Becca out."
This is what I love about Levi. He knows how to keep a secret and he knows when to stop the conversation. I've told him basically everything, so I don't know why I'm holding back now.
Maybe because the two boys I love are his best mates?
"Becca?" He hesitates, "she's well gorgeous, I've actually always wanted to ask her out, but I doubt she's interested."
"Just ask her, I'm sure she'll love to have a date with you." I say, and wink. We burst out laughing, and I mess up his hair.
"Ok, I will. Anyways, do you want me to give you a ride home?" He asks.
"Erm... Levi... you don't drive." i point out.
"I meant on the bus, silly! I need to speak to Drew anyways."
"Ok, come on then."


It's about 11am when we get back to Drew's. He isn't there, though. We search the house for him, thinking that he could be playing hide and seek.
"Hey, Charlotte! In here!" Levi shouts. I follow his voice into the kitchen.
He looks up from a piece of paper on the counter to my eyes. What happened? His face droops.
I walk over to him and look at the note;

Hospital called. Kacey fainted in school, hasn't woken up yet. Money for food under duvet, go shopping for me?
Have to cancel the date tonight. Sorry.
Call you later x

Kacey is in hospital? Oh no! What's happened?
Kacey and I have always had a good relationship, which I think is a good thing. I'm always out with her and Madison. I've taken them shopping millions of times, they're like my little sisters.
"What am I supposed to do all day now?" I groan, shoving the paper in the bin.
"Don't know, but mum just text me, Logan has been sick again and wants me to go and get her some more baby wipes. So I'm going to have to go. sorry." he says, and hurried out without another word.
Now what?
I decide to message Nate to see if he is home yet, but he doesn't answer. So I message Georgia, who happily invites me round.
I grab my bag, and a few snack bars and head out.
The bus only costs €3 to Georgia's house, which isn't bad. It's a 6minute ride, so I have time to message Drew and see how my little girlfriend is doing.

To: Drew
Any news? Is she okay? Lemme know, because I'm worrying over here. X

As soon as my message has sent, I press the buzzer and get off. Austin and Georgia's house is literally a. Metre away from the bus stop.
"Charlotte, heya." Georgia giggles when she opens the door and hugs me.
"Hey, sorry I'm just stuck at Drew's by myself. Need some company." I smile and walk inside.
We walk straight outside into her back garden and sit by the swimming pool. It's a gorgeous blue, and it sparkles in the sun light(nice of the sun to make an appearance).
"What should we do then? I have a few wedding magazines in the basement, do you want me to get them so we can look for a dress?" She suggests.
"We probably won't get married for years yet, babe." I laugh.
"Better early then late." she shrugs and runs indoors.

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