Chapter 5

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It's been a week and I'm bored already, sitting in my living room on my laptop looking at houses on sale at the moment. Did Drew mean what he said? 'As soon as I'm back we can move in together'. If he did, I want to be prepared.
After about an hour of looking, I finally give up and shut the laptop down. Then I grab my coat, purse, phone and keys and head out.
I wait for the next bus to arrive, and when it does I hop on. Then I sit down next to a little girl, about five years old. She looks up at me and smiles, I smile back.
"Hello." She says with a strong english accent.
"Hiya, are you okay?" I ask. She nods enthusiastically, "good."
"Do you live here?" She asks. I nod,
"Yes, where do you live?"
"I'm not very sure," she looks out the window and quickly points to flowers that are planted on the field a few meters away, "there are very pretty flowers in where you live."
"I know, they are beautiful. Where's your mummy or daddy?" I ask, worrying a little.
"They are just sitting up the chairs a little bit because there was no room when we got on." She shakes her head, not looking away from the field.
"Oh, ok."
Silence. The fields finally pass and she turns her attention back to me.
"My name is Charlotte." She says.
"Mine is too." We laugh together.
"You have very nice eyes. Do you love someone because you look like you do?" She asks.
This silences me. I want to say yes, or at least nod, but I can't. I miss Drew so much right now that it is killing me and they have only just left; technically speaking. Charlotte! The little girl asked you a question! Answer!
"Yes." I whisper.
"What is his name? Is it Charlotte to?" She asks, seriously.
"No, it's Drew, he's very handsome." I wink, she giggles.
"What's it like being in love with someone?" This question caught me a little off guard.
I think about it for a while. She's about five, don't say anything you shouldn't. Ok, what should I say? I just tell her the truth;
"Well, Charlotte, it hurts when you are away from the one you love. Drew has gone to where you come from today, and I miss him lots. When you fall in love, you'll know it because you never want to leave his side. He's the only thing that makes you laugh. But your question, what's it like? It's lovely when your with him because he always makes you smile even when your sad, and he makes you sad when he leaves. Do you understand?" I ask. She nods, "that's what it's like, it's hard to explain because I love Drew lots, like you love your mum and dad."
"Where is your mum and dad?" She asks.
"My dad died a few years ago in a car crash, " maybe I shouldn't have said that,"and my mum is at the hospital with my nan."
"Oh, ok. How much do you love Drew?"
"To the stars and back."
"Then maybe you should leave him if he is going to hurt you."


My nan is on the 'Silent Ward'. No one is aloud there unless they had a family member there or if they are a doctor. Nate was always aloud because he pretended that he was my cousin.
I sit in the waiting room, ready to be taken up. Whilst waiting, I pull my headphones out from my coat pocket and plug them into my phone. Then I slide them into my ears and put on 'Aftertaste' by Shawn Mendes.
After about fifty-six seconds into the song, I am told that I can go through. I pull my earphone out, stop the music and shove both the items into my pocket. Then I follow the gorgeous nurse to my nan.
"Charlotte!" She screeches when her eyes meet mine.
I've never been a mummy or daddy's girl, I've always been a Nanny's girl. She did everything for me when my dad died because my mum was so distraught she just sat there staring into space for five months.
Mum isn't anywhere to be seen so I take the seat that is next to the bed. Nan instantly takes my hands in hers and smiles widely.
"I'm so happy you came." She says.
Now I notice how Ill she actually looks. Her face is pale, along with every other part of her body. Her eyes seem a darker blue and her lips are purple. This isn't my nan.
"Nate passed along his wishes, he left for England a week ago, do you remember?" I ask. She nods, "I'm so sorry that I haven't been in lately."
"I know that you have been busy, don't worry. Well, I do need a favour... Now that you are here." Great. Busy? No.
"Sure, anything."
"I need you to collect me a new will so I can write it out again, I need to make a few changes. Do you think you can do that?" She asks.
I hesitate but agree. Then she gives me an address of where to get the papers from. It's only one street away from the hospital. So that's where I will be going.


I hand the papers to nan and a big grin appears on her beautiful face.
"Thank you, Charlotte, it really does mean a lot."
Someone taps me on the shoulder twice and I look round to see the doctor who let me in. She leans forward and whispers in my ear;
"There is a drunk woman outside who can barely walk. She is claiming to be your Nan's Daughter, your mum? We cannot let her in because of the state that she is in and she is going mental, could you come with me to calm her down?" I sigh.
"Ok, bye nan. "

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