Chapter 12

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When Georgia rushes back, she has a pile of about 10 wedding books. She drops them all beside me and picks one up. Then she sits beside me and begins to flick through.
"Ohhhh, I like this one!" She says, pointing to a gorgeous white dress.
"No, it's a bit to skinny fit for my liking." I groan.
"Okay, no tight dresses?"
"No tight dresses." I agree.
I decide to pick a magazine up too, against my own will. 'Wedds' this one is called. The cover page has a picture of Chloe Lloyds in a gorgeous white dress, with her hair in a bun, holding red roses.
I look at the first page, which shows a big, puffy Red dress. It comes to about the knee.
"Right, quick questionnaire from me to you. Colour?" Georgia asks.
"White." I say quickly.
"K, Length?"
"Full way."
"Long behind?"
"In a gorgeous, unique bun." I answer her questions.
She nods and gets back to looking. I look back to my book, and skip the pages with ugly dresses.
All of a sudden Georgia screeches and I look up to see her in the pool, with the magazine still in her hands. Austin stands, laughing, at the edge of the pool, right next to me.
I giggle along with him. She doesn't look very pleased as she makes her way back to the edge. Georgia climbs out and jumps on Austin, making him all wet. He shouts "get off" but she doesn't.
"Aww, Austin, do you like that, baby? All that water on your favourite pair of jeans? Oh no, sorry, the water is dissolving your hair jel!" Georgia says sarcastically. I laugh on the side lines, watching them.
When they have finished play fighting, Georgia comes to sit beside me again and picks up another magazine.

It takes us about three hours but we finally find the perfect dress.
It has many layers and is boob tube. It has a purple waist band and covers my whole body. A flower is stuck on the waist band and its just... perfect!
Then I remember...
"OMG!" I scream.
"What?" Georgia shouts.
"I graduate next week!" I say. How could I forget?
I graduate with Drew, Georgia and Nate in 7 days! Saturday 10am! Why did I forget?
"Did you seriously forget? I've still got our cloaks hanging up in my wardrobe!"


We are graduating tomorrow! I can't believe it! I haven't seen anyone except Drew since last week.
Kacey is fine, she just smelt oil and already felt dizzy, nothing that bad. They are still observing her though, but she is aloud out of bed for the graduation only.
Drew and I are currently looking through our wardrobe trying to find something to wear for the after party tomorrow.
He pulls out his suit and tie. Then begins helping me.
About 5 minutes after rummaging through we are left with a tight light purple body con dress, a silk blue dress or a tight white top and my skinny black, knee-length skirt.
"Try them on." Drew orders, and sits on the edge of our double bed.
I sigh and grab the purple dress. I pull my clothes out and chuck them at Drew, then slide it onto my body.
He lifts his right eyebrow and shakes his head, "no, it doesn't suit your skin tone."
I nod, slide it off and pull the blue dress on. He nods and purses his lips, "that's perfect on you, baby, really makes your eyes stand out."
This is the dress for graduation then.

It's 1pm so we decide to go for a walk to the park.
We walk, hand-in-hand, to the small park that is just located around the corner of the house.
When we get there, we find that it is deserted. I go and sit on one of the swings and Drew copy's me.
"So, I was thinking..." he starts, "about the wedding. Why don't we have it... in 2 weeks time?"
2 weeks?!
"Why the rush?" I ask, getting a little worried. He shrugs.
"No reason, It was just a suggestion. I just want to lock myself to you in every way humanly possible."
"Then, lets do it! Georgia and I found the most perfect dress, we can buy it, it's not that much!" I nearly scream.
"Do it. I just want to make you happy, your my soul mate."
"I love you."
"I love you too."


The morning zooms by, so quickly. Drew and I awake at around 8am and begin to get ready.
I curl my hair, and apply my 'party amount' of makeup on(mascara, eyeliner, foundation, concealer, lipstick, eyebrow pencil and blusher).
I quickly slip the silk blue dress on and throw my robe around my shoulders. Then I look in the mirror and place my hat carefully on my perfect hair.
"You look..." Drew pauses and looks me up and down, "stunning."
I don't, but I can't be bothered to argue with him about that today. I have brown hair that reaches my bum, big blue eyes and a huge dimple in my chin. I'm not even pretty.
"Thank you, so do you."
"Thanks, the taxi'll be here in about ten minutes." he says and pulls me in for a quick kiss. When I pull away he whispers in my ear; "you really do look beautiful."
I blush and slide my black wedges on. My phone begins to buzz from the kitchen and Drew runs to it.
He comes back in with a confused expression on his face and hands me the phone.
"Hello?" I say down the lines, still struggling with the zip on my heel.
"Hello, darling, its your mom." my moms voice echoes down the phone. I sigh;
"I was just phoning to say that I cannot wait to see you, Drew and Nate today. To tell them all about your little episode, that you shouldn't drive ever again because you nearly killed me." she giggles.
"Don't bother coming, because we don't want you there." I say harshly.
"To bad, I have an invite so I'm coming. Can't wait to see you again. Bye." she hangs up. My own Mom threatened me? She's not going to get away with that.
Drew smiles awkwardly and asks if I want to go down stairs and wait for the taxi. I smile and nod, shoving my phone into my small bag, along with my purse.
Taxi pulls up just as we reach the side walk. We climb in- both of us in the back, and set off.
I am supposed to be doing a speech tonight. Only 10 people from the year are selected to make a speech for the graduation. I was, unluckily, one of them 10.
Drew looks at me, and I look at him. Then his hand slowly moves to hover over mine and then he take it in his. He gives it a reassuring squeeze and smiles.
"It's going to be okay, no need to worry." He laughs, and turns to stare out of the window.
Oh, but it's not.

We reach the school half an hour before the ceremony. So we wander around the school grounds, pointing out ever little inch that we will miss.
"Oh my god, do you remember this bench?" He asks.
I look at the bench which he is running to. Of Corse I remember this bench!
When we were finally dating, we met here every lunch, and sat down to eat. He'd tell me how beautiful I looked, and I'd tell him how bad his hair looked. We shared so many laughs on this bench; so many upsetting memories.
He sits down on it and pats the space next to him. I smirk and make my way over to him. when I reach the spot, I sit down and look at the Lily pond that is located behind the bench.
"Do you remember when we threw a €10 note in here, hoping that our wishes would come true?" I ask, staring at the fish I see swimming around.
"Yes, and mine did come true." he smiles, not taking his eyes off my face. I turn to stare at him.
"What was your wish?" I Ask, curious.
"That I would be with you forever. That I would marry you in the future and that we would grow old together."
"The first two have come true, but we aren't old yet." I wink.
He leans forward, but stops just inches away from my face and whispers; "that Id do anything for you". Then he smashes his lips onto mine in a rough kiss and moves closer to me.

Until We Meet Again...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora