Chapter 8

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I cried myself to sleep last night. Have I made a huge mistake? No, it was the right thing to do.

I wake at 6am and decide that it's late enough. Then I have a quick shower, blow dry my hair, straighten my hair and apply some light makeup. After I've finished this, I get dressed.
I wear a white crop top, with black skinny jeans and some white converse. I look at myself in the mirror for a moment(or two).
What have I done? How am I supposed to live without the love of my life and the boy that got me through everything?
I haven't even tried yet, give it time!

I'm in the middle of messaging my mum back when a knock on the door frightens me. I jump off the bed and run towards the sound. I swing the door open.
"How could you?" Georgia screams and pushes past me.
"Geor-" how did she find me?
"No! Do you seriously think that Drew would ever forgive you?! It would kill him and Nate! You have to come home, right now!" She shouts, pulling my suit case out from underneath the bed and beginning to pack my things away.
"I'm not going home." I manage to choke out. She pauses and turns to look at me.
"Y-you said in Drew's letter, that you need to think. What do you need to think about? I can help you! You can't leave! I have no one else!" She cries, hugging me.
"I have to." I whisper.
"Why? Why, Charlotte?"
I hesitate. "Tell me! Tell me why!
"I don't know wether I can stand being with Drew when i obviously have a little feeling for Nate too!" I say into Georgia's shoulder, "I can't do that to h- them!"
"Well, I'll help you. I know you love Drew... And Nate, but Drew more! I can see it in your eyes. The way you look at each other, it makes me wonder wether me and Austin are in love sometimes!"
We sit down onto my double bed and cry together. Her moaning something about Austin.
"You can do this, just a few more days, Georgia. Whereas, I can't do this. I can't play both boys. I can only love one. That's why I'm leaving, that's why I can't say goodbye to their faces. I'll brake down, and I'll never be able to get back up. Drew is my whole life and I can picture a future with him. Where I cradle our first child, where our grandchildren are running around in our garden playing tag, and most of all, where I can hold his hand in my death bed. He is my everything, but I don't know if I can do this to Nate. It's been to long and he hasn't moved on. Can I really afford to hurt him like this?" I sob.
She stays quite and stares at me. Our eyes burning into each other's. I can tell her everything, why didn't I do this in the first place?
"How much do you love Drew?"
"My whole heart." Except the fraction that has Nate inside.
"Then why leave him? Your future could happen. Nate will find someone, eventually. He just needs time."
"But when I first met Nate I knew I had feelings for him but I always kept it in. He was the only person I could see; until I met Drew. I played him, so bad! Nate and I would go out together all the time, we would flirt non-stop and then I just- I just... Abandoned him. I left him all alone so I could spend time with Drew. I'm a terrible- terrible person, I should have never done it. Nate forgives me, all the time, and I don't deserve him. I can't live with the Guilt of what I did, how I played him. I can't do it, Georgia. It will eat me for my whole life." I explain. She automatically replies with;
"Your not a terrible person," she says, "your our best friend. If you leave now, we will have no one. Everything will fall apart. The band will split because Drew and Nate would be looking for you. Give it two more months, I beg you! If Nate hasn't moved on then... Then... I'll let you leave. I'll let you go and move on."
I sigh. She has a good point. 2 more months... I can do that!
"Ok, you have 2 months."


Drama over. Phew! At Least I'm back home with my best friend and, in an hour, my lover, enemy, best friend and wierd relationship! My boys will be back home! Woooo!
We cannot see them until 7pm, though, when a party is being thrown at Levi's fathers home on the beach. It's a celebratory party where everyone on tour will be there; including the Vamps and Union J. I can't wait to meet them.
Georgia and I are getting ready, doing each other's hair and makeup.
I'm dressed in a black body-con dress, with black wedges and a light pink blazer. My hair is straight down my back. I have smokey eyes, foundation, blusher, lipstick and concealer on. Over all, I don't look half as Bad as I did on the day that we last saw the guys.
Georgia is absolutely stunning, though! Her brown hair is pulled back into a braid down her back. A black lace crop top with long sleeves and a black body con skirt cover,most, of her body. She also has the same amount of makeup on as I do; but wears it so much better.
We head off at around 4:30pm so we can get some supper and meet Becca, Cara, Nicole, Cara, Sammie and Chloe. We have been best friends since first school.
We get a Taxi to McDonalds and wait on the bench outside. first comes Becca and Cara. Cara and Georgia are twins; and are very close.
"Hey baby, how's you? Haven't seen you in ages!" Becca screams, hugging me tightly.
"I'm good, how are you?" I ask back. We pull away.
"Im amazing! Absolutely buzzing for tonight! I cannot wait to see Levi tonight." She blushes.
Becca and Levi have some sort of 'thing' going on, although they won't admit it. It's kind of a 'flirtation ship', but Becca wants more.
"Oh sh, I bet he can't wait to see you too." I kiss her cheek and then pull Cara In for a hug.
We have a normal chat and then the rest of the girls show up. We eat our chavy food and then wait for the limo that is supposed to pick us up. It turns up as soon as we reach the spot.
It's humongous inside; with glasses of orange juice and Slur in the cup holders. I love slur! Drew, what an amazing boy, knowing to put that in!
"I've kind of missed you guys." Sammie laughs, sipping her juice.
"Kind of missed you too!" Chloe giggles and they smash their glasses together(lightly).
"Yeah." Me and Georgia chorus.
I can feel her shaking beside me, and I know that it's just nerves. I'm the same. We are going to see our soul mates for the first time in three months!
Then the Limo comes to a sudden stop and I go flying forward, luckily Georgia caught me.
"We're here!!" Becca squeals, patting her hair down.
"Calm, Becc, you don't want to cry in front of Levi." Cara laughs and we all begin to pile out of the Swaggy limo.
"Ok, ok."
We all walk up the path to the front door.
Levi's house is gorgeous. The whole wall of the outside is glass, and the rest is a light maroon wall. His furniture inside is peacock colour; it looks like a famous persons house. He also has a pool; which I guess everyone will be in.
"CHARLOTTE!" Someone screams my name. I spin round to the voice and see Drew running for me. I scream and run towards him too.
I jump into his arms and his kisses my lips roughly. This feels right. I can almost see the fireworks.

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