Chapter 3

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"Charlotte!" Levi screams, running up to me and hugging me a little to tightly for my liking.
I giggle and say, "can't... Breathe." He sighs and let's me go.
"It's so nice to see you babe!" He chimes.
"You to, Levi." He kisses my cheek and runs back to his 'date'.
It's nice to see the baby of the band in love, it's cute. He's always been to obsessed with music he's never really shown any interest to girls. Drew even had is suspicions!
His 'date' is quite pretty with long blonde hair and brown eyes; her lips are quite big and she is quite tall next to Levi. She looks up at him and you can almost see her eyes shape into hearts!
Austin and his fiancé,Georgia,then walk in(hand-in-hand). They match so perfectly that they can't be away from each other for more then 1 hour! I wonder how she's going to cope when the band is away...
"Hey Darling, how are you?" Austin asks.
He lets go of Georgias hand and hugs me softly. As soon as we are done showing affection his fingers tie themselves to Georgia's again. Romantic.
"I'm good. How are you?"
"Amazing, we have set a date for the wedding." He smiles.
"Great, Finally! When?" I ask, trying to sound interested. I am, but I've got better things on my mind right now.
"A week after they return from the Spanish week tour." Georgia says, feeling proud.
"Congratulations. You wait, you'll be popping the little kids out soon enough." I wink.
That's when he walks in. My heart pounds in my chest and I wonder if I'm having a heart attack. He looks so beautiful in his tight black jeans and a white t-shirt that is tight on his body. How could I have ever let his beauty slip my eyes?
He looks into my eyes. His stare feels like lasers cutting right down the middle of me. I should go and say hi, but I tell myself not to. I don't want to get tied between two boys, I only love one of them, Drew.
Nate's dirty blonde hair is pulled upwards, and his cheeks look puffier then usual. His eyes are swollen and he looks even skinner then when I last saw him.
I don't even know that I am walking towards him until we are a centimetre apart.
I hug him. It's nice to see him again. It's nice to feel his warm body against mine. To know that he is here for me no matter what happens.
We pull away about 30 seconds after.
"I've missed you." He states and kisses my cheek. I blush.
"I've missed you too, you should have called me." I whine. Pushing back and folding my arms.
"I'm sorry, I've been really busy lately. I know you should have been my first priority." He says.
"Yeah I should of. Oh well, your here now. At least I can see you before you leave. Are you excited?"
"Yeah! It's gonna be so much fun! Hot english chicks, man are some of them gorgeous!" He waves his hand over his face, signalising that it's hot.
"Idiot." I laugh. He grabs my hands and holds them.
"How your... Erm... How's your n... Nan?" He asks, unsure wether he should have said it or not.
"Two weeks and six days. You should go and see her for a minute before you go, I know she'd appreciate it." I say.
Drew walks in. His eyes flicker to Nate and I, when he sees me looking he smiles and walks over to Levi and his girl. What if he's jealous?
"I will," Nate promises,"how are you and Drew? Still as perfect as ever?"
"Something like that." I moan.
I don't want to talk about mine and Drew's discussion last night, it will just make me upset. He knows that he shouldn't push it any further.
"Should we crack on with today then, Mrs Dirksen?" He winks.
Nate bursts out laugh. I kick him in the shin, this just makes him laugh even harder. This is why I love Nate, he's always so chirpy.
I don't bother asking why he looks so run down, because I think I know the answer. His passion for music has always been strong, he stays up 'till 3am producing new songs! He's probably just knackered.
"What are we doing today then guys and gals?" Drew asks. I didn't realise he was right behind me.
"Why don't we drive to the city today?" Nate suggests, "do some last-minute shopping?"
"No, " I said, "that will make me sad more." I frown.
Drew hugs me from behind and gives me a reassuring squeeze. "Don't be upset" I think he whispers.
"Why don't we just... stay here?" I suggested. Everyone looks at their partners(except Nate who just looks at me).
"That's a great idea! We can have a movie day, I'll pop to blockbusters and get a few DVDs and then I'll get popcorn from the corner shop!" Nate squealed. He's such a girl.
"Okay, we'll do that then. Good idea, baby." Drew smiles and kisses me on the forehead.


Nate leaves to get the popcorn. Austin and Georgia go to get the DVDs. That leaves me, Drew, Levi and Giduh(Levi's mates sister).
We are all sitting on the sofa waiting, when I see Levi look at Giduh and frown. She was looking away.
"So, Levi, when did you and your girlfriend meet?" I ask.
They all look at me. Giduh is wearing a confused look, Drew is smirking and Levi is bright red.
"We aren't Dating." Giduh answers, laughing. Oh.
"But you like each other?" I raise an eyebrow.
"No," she laughs, "I'm dating someone. Levi and I are just good mates, like you and Nate. He didn't want to come on his own, poor soul." She messes up his hair.
"Oh, okay." I don't like her.
I look back to Drew, who's smile has faded.

K so I know this chapter is terrible but wanted to update:)
Characters! I need 2 more girls!
- Fav Member
-Hair&Eye colour.
Thank you ️xxx

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