eleven: unforgettable presence

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"Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted,Was right there in front of you "


Sometimes, no matter how much you change, no matter how much you try to bury your past, there will always be an unavoidable moment where you find yourself facing the person you left behind.

Valentine had no intention of reliving her miserable life before for she enjoyed this one.

Who could blame her though?

At school, she got everything she wanted.

She was living as the girl many aspire to be.

The perfect role model.

However, why is that despite restarting her life, why did it still feel empty?

That void that was never filled.

It has been a few weeks since Heeseung returned from abroad. No doubt a person like him would adjust to different locations in a blink of an eye.

It wasn't that she felt threatened by him taking her popularity or whatnot. His refreshing aura and attractive charisma, his friendliness and clever replies . . . they were what people loved about him the most.

So no, Valentine was not fazed by that.

It was that every time she lays eyes on him, she sees a glimpse into the past, reminding her of how it all used to be.

The only difference was that she wasn't admiring from afar, hiding from the eyes of everyone else, but rather she was the one avoiding him.

There was no longer anything between them.

(She didn't know how to face him.)

She was avoiding him but the thought of him never left her mind.

"Valentine? Are you listening?" The male in front of her spoke in agitation as he noticed the lack of attention she was paying to him.

"Hm?" Valentine's eyes shifted away from the male whom she was just thinking about to face the male in front of her.

Currently standing by the stairs where the male had told her to meet, she could tell his conversation was not going to end well.

However, what is new?

"How could you be so disloyal and go for other boys when you're talking to me?" He bluntly confronted her.

"Pardon?" Valentine couldn't help but scoff in disbelief. "Me? Going after them?"

"Yes." He firmly replied.

"How could you say I'm disloyal? Were we ever in a contract that strictly says I am not able to speak to everyone else?" Her eyes widen as if she had just heard the most shocking news.

"It's only common courtesy for you to-"

"Who are you to tell me what common courtesy is." She sighed, continuing with her innocent tone. "I don't want to hear it from someone who uses my name to their own advantage."


"Your friends. I didn't approach them. Actually, it was the other way around."

Now, the male in front of her was scared. The look in his face was the exact same one you see in movies when a villain was about to be exposed.

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