twelve: red is our colour

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"Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words
To your old favorite song"

Strolling down the empty hallway, Valentine was making her way to her locker when she over heard some voices.

One of them was one she could recognise anywhere.

It was hard to miss.

"Heeseung, I'm saying this out of your own good. You should really stay away from Valentine." The first female voice spoke.

"Hm? Why's that?" He questioned.

"Because she is a whole fucking red flag." Girl 2, who sounded much more fierce spoke.

Before Heeseung could even reply, the frustrated girl began to vent.

"She's a literal whore. Sleeps around with half of the male population. Will go for boys who have literal girlfriends. Her stupid innocent act is so infuriating because we all know how much of a hoe she is. I just know she bribes the teachers to give her high marks because you cant tell me that someone like her is capable of even passing. She's a whole offense to us girls and-"

"Enough." Heeseung interupted her rant with a rather harsh tone. "How are you going to assume without even knowing her."

"Everyone knows." Girl 2 spoke in her defence, obviosult taken back by his reply. "She's not who you think she is-"

"Between the three of us." His voice was now back to normal; calm. "I am pretty confident that i know her the best."

"Heeseung you just came back though." Girl 1 slightly stuttered.

"I've known her the longest. If anything, I should be the one telling you that she's not who you think she is." He smiles.

"But she's a whole red flag!"

"I guess my favourite colour now is red." He smirks before looking to the side, confusing the two girls. "Sweetheart, it's rude to eavesdrop."

Surprised by his sudden calling of her name, she rolled her eyes and stepped out to reveal herself. She cursed the reflection for setting her up for failure. The expressions on the girls' face were priceless.

"It would've been more rude to invite myself to a private conversation." Valentine stood beside Heeseung.

From an outsider's view, one could assume that those two were bullying the 2 girls due to their height and vibe. Valentine wasnt exactly short but being beside Heeseung did make her feel a little shorter. However compared to the females, she's usually a head taller.

" hear everything." Girl 1 whispered.

"Hm? Only from when you told him to stay away from me."

"That's everything." Girl 2 muttered in irritation yet couldn't bring herself to meet Valentine's eyes.

"Look honey, i dont sleep around with every boy i come across." Valentine began.

Not feeling convinced, the girls couldn't help but look at Heeseung who was leaning against the lockers.

"No. I did not sleep with your prince charming." She rolled her eyes sarcastically and pulling a disgusted face when looking at Heeseung.

Heeseung could only laugh at her expression. Not only was she so casual about this topic, but he also admired how confronting she became. The girl he knew years ago would've bottled everything inside her heart.

"As i was saying, I am not a prostitute. What do you take me for? Someone who sells their body? That's quite disrespectful i must say. I treasure my body and if you think i sleep with half the guys i speak too, just know they are all lying. What happened to girls supporting girls? Love how we all automatically assume what they say are true. I don't even know half of them."

"...really?" Girl 1 couldnt help but say.

"Yes. Secondly, i would never go for boys that have girlfriends. Hell, i don't initiate unless i'm interested. And if the person whom im interested does have a girlfriend, i would most definitely forget it and move on. You think i'd go my way to seduce him? Waste of my time."

That caused Heeseung to clap before gesturing for her to go on.

"Lastly, for your information, i don't bribe my teachers for marks because one, that would not work and two, thats just stupid. I'd rather fail with dignity than to cheat my way through. Why do i always get top marks? Maybe because i actually study? Why? Is it surprising? A whore actually trying at school?"

"I'm sorry." Girl 2 softly apologised ad she hung her head in shame. This was the most they've ever heard Valentine speak and unfortunately, it was not how they wished it would've been.

They hated Valentine so much they were almost obsessed. However, Valentine was too intimidating for their own good.

"This isn't all targetted towards you because you're not the only one who sees me this way. There are worst things i've heard but only because i'm here now, i'll justify my actions." Valentine sighed. "It's up to you in who you'd want to believe but I've said my part."

"We're really sorry..." The two girls bowed in shame only for Valentine to pat both their shoulders.

"I'm not mad. Just slightly misunderstood." Valentine smiled before backing away. "Excuse me, i'll see you later."

And with that, she walked away.

"She did not even bat an eye at me." Heeseung commented due to the lack of attention she gave him.

"Heeseung, we're sorry too."

"All good." He shrugged as he was also walking away. "Also, how can i stay away from her when i'm so drawn into her. I can agree on that. She's quite intriguing." He smirks before really walking away, leaving the girls stunned.

Catching up to Valentine, Heeseung fasten his pace before hooking his arm on her shoulders.

"You were a little cool back there." He chuckles.

"I'm always cool." Valentine tried to hide her smile. Not because of his sudden compliment, but rather the fact he was also standing up for her. She knew most people would only agree and continue to shit on her.

"Hey shouldn't you stay away from me?" Valentine turned her head. "They aren't wrong about me being a redflag."

"We love a self-aware queen." He teased.

"Whatever." She gives up and picks up her pace. However, before she could go anywhere, her wrist had been gently held onto, stopping her motion.

"Your redflag is possibly knowing me from the very start." He speaks lowly with the corner of his lips slightly curved upwards. "Did i influence you too much?"

"Yeah. I'm on my way to take your position. We're rivals now." She scoffed playfully.

They both knew it was all a joke but not to what extent it was.

"Sweetheart, we're too alike."


It's what draws them together.

A burning passion, a firey connection between their toxic traits.

The more people want them to be apart, the more closer they end up.

It was inevitable - their relationship.

♡uhh...cliché XD


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