note: red

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note to self (!)
started: 02nd february, 2023
finished: 19th august, 2023
total days: 6 months including MAJOR breaks
total chapters: 29
total words: approx. 28,000
working hours: 10PM - 3 AM

andddd that's a wrap!!

thank you for staying till the end of story, RED <3

to my lovely readers,  i love you all too. thank you for tuning in and for those who even commented, my favs <3

thank you for being so patient with this story and hope you enjoyed it :)

keep in mind that you are loved, you are amazing, you matter.

stay safe, happy and healthy.

strive for your life and step towards your goals.

once again, thank you for giving this story a chance <3


red is a strong colour

it represents danger,  yet also passion.

what complex and intricate; love comes from whatever it takes.


ladies and gentlemen, this was RED by LATTELUNETTE.

hope this was worth reading.

⋆·̩͙ __________♡__________ ·̩͙⋆ 

until next time my moons,


~ luna <3

🎬 and cut!

red. | lee heeseungWhere stories live. Discover now