seventeen: ice rink for love

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"But loving him was red"

The temperature dropped immediately from when they first stepped into the centre. The air was still and surprisingly, it felt nice.

Lastest pop music echoed in the background mixed with background noises of people chatting and laughing.

The chemistry class was now at the ice rink as the teacher had magically persuaded the director to grant permission.

As everyone was sat on the bench, eagerly tying their skates, Valentine was unusually nervous.

There were only so little Valentine did not know what to do and unfortunately, ice-skating was one of them. The closest she's done was roller-blading but the surface is completely different.

Embarassing herself was the last thing she wanted to do as her dignity was one of the only thing she valued more than anything else.

However, she was saved when she overheard her friends and classmate speaking upon their lack of experience and how it was their first time.

"Okay class! Have fun! I'll be sitting at the bench over there with Ms if you need anything." Mr Kim spoke before heading towards the opposite direction.

Time was ticking and no one seemed to have want to step in first.

"Did we get in trouble already?" Heeseung's voice broke the ice as everyone' attention landed on the boy walking towards them with the skates in his hand.

"Ah no. It's just..." Yujin scratched his head.

"Going first can be a little pressuring." Sujin finished his sentence.

"Hm?" Heeseung was confused but continued to adjust his skates. "There's nothing to be afraid of."

"If you're so confient why dont you go first." Jeonjun rolled his eyes. There were some people that despised him out of jealousy.

"Sure." Heeseung replied whilst standing up and with no hesitation, stepped onto the ice. "See? Nothing."

This caused Jeonjun to shut his mouth as he was once again impressed by his talent. It was as if he knew how to do everything.

Seconds later, another boy had stepped in after being motivated by Heeseung, but to his disappointment, he instantly fell after barely being on the ice.

Not only did this cause the boy on the ice to laugh, but also made the people who were feeling stressed feel a little more relaxed.

Little by little, more and more people were going on the ice with a few of the people who knew how to ice skate's assistance.

Standing by the entrance, it was now Valentine's turn to get on the ice. Despite wanting the help, her ego was too high to be touched. She stared down at the white surface for a moment as if she was thinking of the best technique, until her train of thoughts dispersed into thin air.

"Do you need help sweetheart?" His voice hinted out amusement.

"No. I'm capable." Valentine replied directly. She feared dragging this conversation would make her lose her focus.

"I know you are." Heeseung chuckles before skating away to help another person. For a moment she really could not believe he had just left her alone.

Why'd he leave her now, out of all times.

She sucked up her nervousness and carefully lift her right leg before landing them onto the solid ice. It wasn't as bad as she expected as she still managed to hold onto her balance.

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