twenty six: obsessed with one-another

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"And that's why he's spinning 'round in my head
Comes back to me, burning red"

"Let's try this!" Valentine pointed at the sparkly store enthusiastically. Her friends could only adore the rare nature of hers as Valentine was never one to be labeled as cute, but rather intimidating.

However, her friends knew her better.

"You're so cute." Sujin commented as she watched Valentine already collecting her charms.

The school was currently holding a fundraiser day in which the juniors were hosting. Seniors like Valentines were granted the full experience in enjoying the day without worrying having their next shift.

They were now at a rather secluded area in which the stall was located.

"Valentine. I am your fan." A junior, who was also the owner of the store, shyly spoke to her idol.

"Hm? Ah noo! That's too exaggerated. But thank you." Valentine smiled genuinely for she was really having a good day. "I love your stall. Don't understand why not enough people are here."

And with that compliment, it was enough to satisfy the two juniors who squealed internally upon seeing, let alone speaking to the school's prettiest and most popular girl who also happened to be quite hyped online.

As the friends chattered along, gossiping about the latest tea like all friends do, an unexpected group suddenly showed up at the stall.

Now it was looking crowded which made Valentine feel a little content. However, it was them whom she expected to see.

She tried to ignore the boys who placed their materials down on the table across them but or was harder than expected.

Her friends were already greeting the other friend group in which she only smiled before quickly reshifting her focus on the keychain-in-making in front of her.

A sudden nosy presence was now behind her as he bent his body to get a closer look.

"Lee Heeseung. You're so unoriginal." Valentine shot at him in a playful manner.

"Sweetheart, you're only attacking me?" He laughed, now straightening his back before placing a hand on her head.

"Can't help it, you're just so attackable." She shrugged carelessly.

"Just admit that you're obsessed with me."

"I'm obsessed with you."


"I'm obsessed with fighting you."

Heeseung chuckled at the immature girl before returning back to his seat to mind his own business.

"You can't tell me you two aren't a couple." Sujin wiggled her eyebrows at her unfazed friend.

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