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CW: uncensored language, guns, blood, bombs, needles, death,

"Which direction did she go in?" I asked Newt. "I don't know. I just saw Brenda go straight." He responded. "Yeah, well we can't do this forever. Let's go back maybe they'll be there." I suggested. "Fine." We ran back to where we originally were at. No sign of them. "Fuck." I muttered, where the hell are they? "Why did we even decided to do this? We shouldn't be here. Isn't what we stand for against WICKED's? But all of sudden we're for it." Newt didn't even seem like he was talking to me. I don't think he was, I'm pretty sure he was talking to himself. Great.

Right as I was going to respond to Newt, I saw Brenda. And Thomas was behind her. Holding what seemed to be a giant syringe, with a bluish liquid inside. Please be the cure.

"Brenda! Why the hell did you take so long?" I asked her, pulling her into a hug. "You scared the shit out of me." "We ran into some trouble, were fine though. And we have a cure." She smiled while saying this. "Thank fucking goodness." I hugged Thomas, "thank you guys." "Yeah, don't celebrate to much. We still have to make it out of the building." Brenda said. "I know." "I'll stand guard while you guys give Newt the cure." Thomas said. "You too Minho. I'll know how to do it, I was practicing to be a nurse here." "No. I can do it, you stand guard. Don't try and argue, we're wasting time." I said, grabbing the syringe from her hand. She gave me a glare, but still stood guard.

One of the main reasons why I wanted to do it was that Newt was afraid of needle. Screw scared— terrified of needles. In the maze when they would send up the syringe filled with the medicine for when people got stung by grievers, he hated everything about them. I don't really understand how or why he's scared of them, but I guess everyone's scared of something.

Newt was sat on the ground and had pulled his sleeve up, I got on my knees. "ready?" I asked. "I guess." He said. "It's just a needle, you'll be okay." I reassured him. He nodded. "Okay...okay I think I'm ready." "Okay, 1...2...3." I said, injecting the serum into Newts arm. He slightly whimpered. "I'm sorry. I know that hurt, how are you feeling?" I said in the softest tone I could. He didn't respond, "Newt?" "'need a second." He muttered. "Right." His breathing was a bit uneven and sound slightly concerning concerning but I didn't question it to much. "I'm okay. I'm okay, I think. My brain doesn't feel like it's being picked at so I guess that's good." He smiled, a real smile. I hadn't realized how much I missed that. "Yeah, I guess so." I looked around, "We should go. We are kind of in the middle of WICKED." I stood up and helped Newt, he slightly stumbled but held onto me. "I'm okay." He said, but it wasn't how he would say it when he was infected. He said it, he said it and it sounded genuine, like he was genuinely okay.

"I know." I said and hugged him, not caring that we shouldn't be stopping for anything. Newt hugged me back, equally as tight.

"Thank you Min." He whispered.

"Come on, this way!" Brenda yelled, already running away with Thomas. Newt and I followed. We ran as fast as we could, trying our best to avoid anyone. We did run into a few guards, but they weren't to much trouble. The four of us ran towards Brenda's lab, I was running faster than I ever did in the maze. We made it to the lab, Thomas and Brenda each threw a different bombs to avoid the guards behind us, but not before Newt and I managed to shoot a few guards. The second we turned around we climbed into the tunnel we came in through before, not caring about the order we were in. We ran faster than we ever have before, "Jorge is going to meet us when we get out of the tunnel!" Brenda yelled as we ran.

Once we had reached the ladder: Thomas went first, than Brenda, than me. Newt climbed up last. As he was climbing, the guards had caught up, they started firing at him.

I grabbed Newt, pulling him up and threw two launcher-like-bombs into the tunnel, and closed the door. Brenda put a lock on it. "Newt! Fuck, are you hurt?" I yelled, pulling the upper-half of his body on my lap. Newt groaned at that, one of his hands flying to his stomach, and the other to his shoulder as if he was trying to apply pressure to it. "Tell me where it hurts" I asked frantically. He let his hands drop, allowing me to see his gunshot wound on his stomach and shoulder. "Everything h-hurts. I- i don't think I can get up." Newt stated his eyes slightly closing.

"Hey, hey! You can't close your eyes yet! Not yet. Stay with me. Please." I whispered the last part, tears filling my eyes. There was to much blood. He was bleeding out. I took off my jacket even though it was freezing, and put it around Newt stomach, tying it. That was the only thing I knew how to do to try and get the bleeding to stop.

"It's snowing. Min. It's sn-snowing." Newt didn't look at me, just the sky, his eyes only slightly opened. "You know, I remembered things— at the crank palace. Before the gl-glade. I remembered my sister. And my parents. It snowed that day. When- when WICKED came, and took Lizzy and me. They killed my mum and dad. It snowed that day." He looked so out of it when he spoke about this. I was crying and shivering. It was freezing. "P-please don't cr-cry." he was stuttering, maybe because it freezing or because he was loosing to much blood.

"How bad i-is it?" Newt mumbled. "You're gonna be okay." Was all I said, i didn't have the heart to tell him.

"Please don't lie. You're the on-only person who has-hasn't lied to me. So you can't do it no-now." "I can't get the blood to st-stop." I told him the truth. And the truth hurt. Why was I so fucking stupid? I shouldn't have let him come with us. He should've stayed with Jorge. "I- i can't f-feel my fin-fingers anymore. C-can you ho-hold me?" Newt asked. That made me cry even harder. I cradled him in my arms, "It's-its alright. I'm right here." I whispered. "I'm-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I can't- i can't get it to stop." "It's- it's okay."

"I l-love y-you. I love you M-min." He whispered, and pulled me closer to him, kissing me. He kissed me. Newts lips were soft and cold. I kissed him back, knowing this might be the last kiss I'll get from him. Even though the kiss was about 30 seconds, it didn't feel long enough. When he pulled away, his eyes started to close.

"Newt please! Please. Y-you can't leave me! You can't. I-i love you. I love you so much. Please." I yelled, my voice hoarse from crying and screaming. I was both exhausted and full of adrenaline at the same time.

I heard noises around me. Brenda and Thomas yelling. "Where's Jorge at?" I yelled. I thought Brenda had said that Jorge was going to be right outside of the tunnel? "He was supposed to be here." Brenda said. "There! He's over there!" Thomas yelled. I looked and saw the berg landing. Why the hell did he take so long?

"Im going to pick you up, okay? This is probably gonna hurt. Im sorry." I whispered to Newt, picking him up. I didn't even know if he was conscious or even alive. I couldn't bring myself to check.

We ran to berg, running in and Jorge closed the doors. I set Newt down on a couch. "Is he alive?" Jorge asked looking at Newt. Before I could respond, everything around me started to blur. The last thing I remember was falling to the ground.

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