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It was Sunday and even though I slept for hours, I felt really sick when I woke up. My throat was sore, my eyes were puffy and my nose was sniffly.

I slid like a slug out of my bed and put on my favorite baby blue hoodie and a pair of sweats, using the hood of my sweater to hide my messy hair.

The house was quiet so I assumed Chris and Anthony left to go somewhere. I pulled out my phone and ordered an Uber to take me to the store.

There is no way i'm getting through this day without medicine and a good snack!

I waited patiently for the car in the livingroom and fifteen minutes later my phone dinged saying the Uber arrived. I made sure to leave a note and lock the doors behind me.

The driver was friendly which was nice, but we mostly sat in silence. I was glad because my throat is hurting today! It's probably from all the stress these past couple of days. I was due for a good cold anyways, it's been a while. It's just irritating when you feel like you have to sneeze and it just never comes. Or the constant sniffles! Ugh.

Once he pulled up to the front of our local Walgreens, I thanked him and hopped out of the car.

On the way I googled the best drink for colds and the best soup so that was easy to get, besides choosing what color of gatorade I wanted. I won't admit how long that took me to decide.

Once I got to the cold and flu aisle, I was lost. There's cough syrup, lozenges, some weird throat sprays, nose sprays. . . And I thought those were hard to choose from! Looking at the pills is even worse! There's regular strength, extra strength, different milligrams, different colors! Do colors matter? What about liquid or solid ones? Fast acting or regular? Is one brand better than the other? Why are some round and some freaking oval?! Ugh!

I rested my forehead against the shelf and closed my eyes. Why do these things have to be so hard?

It was taking everything in me not to breakdown.

"Now this has got to be fate."

"What do you want, Alek." I resisted the urge to look at him and instead reached down to grab my basket from the floor.

A sneeze snuck up on me and it was even more embarassing! I always sneeze really fast and always in threes. In total I sneezed six times. It's always worse when I'm sick.

My eyes felt cloudy and I just really want my bed. Well, Chris's guest rooms bed.

"Are you alright? Are you sick?"

My shoulders slumped and I turned to the side to face Alek. "Do I look alright?" I groaned. "Please leave me alone. I am not in the mood to deal with this right now. I do hope you have a great day though." Ugh, why am I so nice? I reached out and grabbed a pack of pills without even looking at what it was. I just wanted to get out of there! And yes, I did feel bad about lying. I don't wish him a good day because he hurt me! I hope he has a bad day, but am I going to say that? No, no i'm not.

"Noah, wait up!"

I squeezed my eyes shut, remembering those were his words before he asked me on our first date.

I always fantasize what life would be like now if he hadn't left me.

I sighed and stopped in my tracks. "Yes?"

"I know you're with that. . .guy, but would you like to have coffee with me one of these days? As friends? I think I we have a few things to talk about."

Damn, it hurt hearing the word friends come from his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I don't think that's a very good idea, Alek. Thank you for the offer. Good bye."

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