Chapter 26: Decisions

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Whew, that was fun, wasn't it?

Phineas' team is slammed into the wall as PK Sam's energy orb expires. The inside of Mitch's robot is designed like a mini-base. Everyone's out of breath from all the action (and having to spit so much fire), otherwise they're fine.

"That felt weird for all sorts of reasons," Ferb mutters as they get up and brush themselves off.

It only takes a few seconds for them to locate Isabella. She's close to them, laying motionless on her back. Her body has morphed back to her original self.

"Her cuteness must've spilled all over her when she crashed into here," Baljeet says, pointing to the cup that once contained Isabella's cuteness, now empty and on the floor next to Isabella.

"Man, talk about plot convenience," Buford comments, referencing what Mitch said earlier even though he wasn't there for it. I guess logic be damned?

(You're kidding me, right? This is fucking stupid.)

(Let it go, dude. These things happen all the time in the show.)


They run over to their friend, and Phineas shakes her awake. "Ph-Phineas?" she whispers, her eyes fluttering open.

It cannot be overstated how relieved the team is to know that Isabella is okay. "Yes, it's us, Isabella," Phineas replies softly, grabbing her hand and pulling her up. "We're here."

Having her hand in Phineas' puts Isabella into yet another one of her swoons. She's a second away from taking a trip to Phineasland before she remembers where she is and what's going on. "Is Shanna okay?" she asks.

"Yes, she is. Now let's go."


Meanwhile, up in the cockpit, Mitch is going nuts on the control panel, desperately hitting buttons and pulling levers at random to try and get his robot to do anything. His panic levels are higher than they've ever been. He knows that Phineas' team is inside, and they've probably found Isabella already. If he doesn't break free soon, he'll never hear the end of it.

"Why won't this darn thing work?!" he shouts, slamming his hands on the dashboard.

His frenzy is interrupted by two beings crashing through the robot's forehead: Perry the Platypus and Peter the Panda. Perry had stayed hidden in Meap's ship during the battle to avoid being seen by his owners, but now that they were inside the robot, he could safely enter to take on Mitch.

The two agents walk towards Mitch, who has nothing left to do but stand there, roll his eyes, and mumble, "Oh, goody, this is the LAST thing I wanted to see right now." He has no gadgets, no minions to call upon for assistance, and no way to defend himself, AND he's outnumbered two to one.

Together, Perry and Peter tackle Mitch and pin him to the ground. Mitch puts out all he has left in him to fight back, but even with his own combat skills, he's just no match for two high ranking OWCA agents. He's able to shove them both off of him, and then he sprints for an escape hatch. Just as he gets his remote out to open the door, Perry tackles him again. The remote flies out of his hands and lands on a button that switches the robot's control mode from Manual to Auto.

"Autopilot engaged," a female voice says through the speakers.

In Autopilot mode, the robot suit runs solely on its artificial intelligence. Although Mitch couldn't escape from the Meapians' restraints, when left to its own devices, the robot manages to muster up enough strength to overpower their grip. As it lifts itself back up, the ropes holding it down get stretched to their limit. Eventually, both of them snap in half, and just like that, the robot is free.

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