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This one is a sad one- Rosalie/Reader- Y/N finds out Rosalie has been cheating on her with Emmett, her best friend. Rosalie tells her, regret on her face but Y/N doesn't believe it one bit and leaves her, tears refusing to show in front of her heartbreaker. SENSITIVE TOPICS. Non/Consent, ED, Depression. Please skip if any issues with this.



I walked into my apartment, my girlfriend, Rosalie was supposed to come over later. She basically lived with me but we haven't made it official, I planned on asking her soon. I set my keys down on the counter and took care of my jacket and shoes, I checked my phone and saw a message from Rosalie. 'Be there soon, we need to talk.' I frowned and set my down, I didn't know what we needed to talk about, but it couldn't be good. I sat on the couch and waited for her, my knee was bouncing anxiously. I heard the keys and she walked in, she had this distant look in her eyes. She set the keys next to mine and came over, sitting down next to me.

"What's going on?" I looked at her, searching her face for anything. "I cheated on you, Y/N." I felt my heart drop to my stomach and looked at my hands, words racing through my head. "With who, Rosalie?" She was silent for a moment, stalling almost. "Emmett... it was one time and I regret it." I stood up and started pacing the room, I couldn't look at her. "My best friend? You fucked my best friend?!" I finally looked at her, tears in her eyes something I refused to let out. "It was an accident, I wish it didn't happen." I scoffed and shook my head, "So you're telling me he fell into your vagina, Rosalie?! You knew what you were doing, the least you can do is own up to it." She looked down and stood up, coming toward me but I backed away.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. Forgive me, please, I love you." I walked over to her keys and took my key off, before going to my bedroom. I heard her following close behind me and I grabbed all of her things and threw them into a bag I had. I grabbed the photos we had together and threw them into the trash. She ran and grabbed them, holding them to her chest. I threw the bag out the door into the hallway once I was done. "You need to leave, Rosalie. I don't want to speak to you, you obviously didn't love me enough when you took his cock inside of you. I love you, but you don't love me, I would never do this to you. I did everything I could for you, but it wasn't enough. So please, leave." She looked at me, wanting to say something, but left. I closed the door behind her and leaned against it, once I finally heard her steps lead away I let everything out.

I slid down the door and sobbed into my hands, I couldn't believe the person I loved so much could do something so heartless. I just cried and cried, I didn't know for how long but I didn't get up until there were no tears left. I walked to my bedroom and grabbed the only thing I left of hers, one of her hoodies. I put it on and sniffed it, smelling her again. I let out a dry sob and laid in bed, trying to avoid her side the best I could. I curled into myself and fell asleep, wishing it was all a nightmare.

1 Week later

I walked into my apartment after work, I had been avoiding everyone but knew I needed to work. I opened my fridge and saw the spoiled food, I ignored it and just grabbed a water bottle. I ignored the mess that was around my house, I walked into my room where it was the worst. I set my water on my bedside table and laid back in bed, the hoodie was set on her side on a pillow, so I had something to cuddle in the night. Every night my phone would go off, almost like they were checking if I was alive. I never answered them, I couldn't. I wish I had friends that were outside of Rosalie, I would never be able to escape her.

I wrapped my arms around my pillow, closing my eyes. Ever since we broke up I haven't been able to eat, or do anything. I didn't think I was gonna get any better, I didn't know what to do with her gone. All I could do is sleep or stare at the ceiling, while I waited, I don't know what I was waiting for. I would never get her back, I didn't want her back, but I still missed her. I just wished I was enough for her, enough for her to only want me. But she wanted him, not me.

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